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Scott Baio, star of “Happy Days,” has made the decision to permanently move out of California because he’s had enough of it.

Scott Baio has joined the group of well-known Hollywood personalities who have moved out of California. The actor has explained why he is resigning.

Learn more about the actor’s motivations for leaving the state he has called home for so long by reading on.

As Chachi Arcola in the sitcom Happy Days, Scott Baio gave perhaps his most outstanding performance. Frequently visiting California, the actor tweeted about relocating there.

The actor used Los Angeles’s expanding homeless population as evidence for his choice.

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Despite having lived in Los Angeles for 45 years, the actor has had enough. He wrote on Twitter that he was “finally making my way to ‘leave stage right’ from California after 45 years.”. According to the most recent projection from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, there will be 41,000 homeless people living in the city and 69,000 in the county by 2022.

After 45 years, I’m on my way to “exit stage right” from California. There are about 69,000 homeless people in Los Angeles, according to the most recent survey conducted by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.

Numerous individuals voiced their thoughts on Baio’s decision to depart. The actor’s motivation was apparent to others. Scott, good job, a Twitter user said.

You’ll be much happier, and so will your family.

If CA alters in the future, you can also go back”.

Excellent, sir, said a different Twitter user. ”. I wish you success in your search for a residence where you and your family can live happily and comfortably. The state of Texas still has plenty of room if you need it. You’re welcome to enter”.

Congratulations,” a second person said in agreement with Baio”.

My son and I will follow him when he leaves. Since I arrived in this state in 1970, it has partially lost some of its former beauty”.

Some were more depressing than others.

A Twitter user retorted angrily, “Considering you’ve never done anything to help out in the situation after getting wealthy off of us, we will be happy to see you go. Another person added, “Happily Californian here, especially knowing you’re leaving!!”.

Others made fun of the actor, with one commenter joking that the actor might be homeless given his lack of employment for the past 20+ years.

Who cares?, said another.

“You stopped being important about 30 years ago.

Another person who wasn’t happy with his post added, “Packing up your tent and shopping cart will be simple.”. Considering that you have also been jobless for 40 years.

The 62-year-old actor has put his Woodland Hills home up for sale as a sign that he means business. It is worth $3,85,000,000 as real estate. This large home has five bedrooms, four and a half bathrooms, a home theater, and other features.

It is 6,300 square feet.

The house cost $1.85 million to buy in 2010.

The list of well-known Hollywood figures who have relocated from California to other states is long, and Scott Baio is merely adding his name to it. Some well-known people who recently relocated from California include Mark Wahlberg, Joe Rogan, and Matthew McConaughey.

In December 2020, McConaughey plans to return to Texas, the state in which he was born. He moved primarily because he wanted his children to share his “values” and grow up with his family. ”.

Similar strategies were used in August 2020 by Joe Rogan. Due to the “insane” traffic and exorbitant rent, he made the decision to relocate his family outside of Los Angeles. The popular podcaster also made a move to Texas. Mark Wahlberg relocated to Ohio after selling his Beverly Hills home for $30 million in April 2021. It’s possible that the actor’s choice was influenced by the fact that he has family in the region and owns a Chevrolet business there.

Fans of other performers should spread the word about this article so they are aware of this significant change. If you concur with Scott Baio’s decision to leave Los Angeles, please comment below and let us know.