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Mom uploads a video of her infant daughter, but some viewers are offended by a small detail.

Before making decisions, minors must get their parents’ approval. It is important to remember that society and the people in their immediate environment might not always support such decisions and may even view them as inappropriate or incorrect.

Nowadays, a lot of parents post pictures and videos of their kids on social media, and some even set up social media accounts for their kids to share updates on their precious lives with their followers.

Lara, a cute four-month-old infant with a sizable TikTok following, is one of these young social media stars.

The mother of Lara frequently posts adorably cute pictures and videos of her daughter on social media. However, a recent image meant to demonstrate Lara’s development since birth sparked contentious discussions and opposing points of view among viewers.

A particular aspect of the picture, which showed Lara soon after her birth, caught the attention of many viewers. When Lara’s delicate ears were unexpectedly pierced at the age of just 24 hours, many onlookers were horrified and deeply concerned.

Unsurprisingly, many individuals vehemently defended Lara’s mother and cited cultural norms in which early ear piercing was acceptable. Opponents claimed it was unethical to subject a baby to such treatment, and that the choice should have been left up to the child to make when she was of an appropriate age.

Simply put, I’m baffled.

In the comments, someone said, “Let’s not fool ourselves, it hurts just as much as it does as they age”. Another person remarked, “I will let my children decide once they are old enough to comprehend these issues. Shouldn’t it be up to them whether or not they want their ears pierced?”.

Lara’s mother felt compelled to explain why she had chosen to have her daughter’s ears pierced at such a young age after reading a number of comments. She gave some background information as well as a discussion of her decision-making process.

Infants who have their ears pierced within the first two or three days of life feel less discomfort than those who have their ears pierced at one or two years of age.

She emphasized, trying to allay fears and explain her reasoning, that these tiny ear holes are made by neonatologists in the hospital immediately following delivery.

Lara’s mother wanted it known that she made her choice because of cultural customs and values and because she believed that having Lara’s ears pierced at a young age would reduce any potential suffering for her child.

The more this delicate subject is discussed, however, the more divergent views on parental judgment and social expectations for children’s welfare become apparent.