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Even to their friends, twin girls with different skin tones must demonstrate their siblingship.

For British sisters Lucy and Maria Aylmer, this has never been a problem.

Usually, when we think of twins, we have trouble telling them apart.

These two actually have to demonstrate their similarity to one another all the time. The now 24-year-old sisters frequently had to show their birth certificates to prove they were even twins, much less sisters.

Donna Aylmer broke down in tears of joy when she learned she was carrying twin girls in 1997. After the delivery, she did, however, take a close look at her brand-new twin girls. One of them, Lucy, was fair-skinned with freckles and had red hair, blue eyes, and blue eyes. Maria was the second, and she had brown hair, brown eyes, and brown skin.

Both twins, Lucy and Maria, were born in Gloucester, England, to parents of mixed racial heritage. While Lucy has straight red hair, fair skin, and blue eyes, Maria has dark skin, brown eyes, and curly hair. Their white father Vince and half-Jamaican mother Donna gave birth to one set of white twins and one set of black twins in January 1997.

Because of this, she was unaware of our stark differences. According to the Daily Mail, she claimed, “When the midwife handed us both to her, she was just speechless”.

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Lucy claims that the twins’ older siblings have skin tones that are comparable to Maria’s and her own. However, my grandmother has a very similar English rose complexion to mine. “, Lucy states. Nobody has ever mistaken us for twins, she added. Even when we dress similarly, we don’t even resemble sisters—let alone twins. Even friends have requested our birth certificates as evidence. ”.

The scientific explanation is not too complicated, despite the fact that many people, including mother Donna, were confused by the entire situation. Twins with biracial parents have a 1 in 500 chance of having different skin tones, according to the BBC. Due to the fact that Lucy and Maria are fraternal twins, two different eggs and sperm were used to fertilize their respective eggs. One twin has pale skin, while the other has darker skin due to the light and dark features in mother Donna’s genes. In an interview with Good Morning Britain, Lucy recalled that at the age of 7, she and her sister told their mother they didn’t want to wear the same clothes.

The Aylmer Twins on February 4, 2018: “Paying attention!”.

Unfortunately, due to their racial differences, Lucy’s upbringing was especially challenging. They called me a ghost and believed I was adopted, according to Lucy. Maria herself wished she had developed into a more Lucy-like adult. I used to cry a lot.

My hair was curly. “I wanted my sister’s gorgeous red hair,” she exclaims.

They both have unique personalities; Maria is the outgoing one and attended Cheltenham College for her studies in law and psychology, while Lucy attended Gloucester College for her studies in art and design.

Let’s take a selfie first, though. Written by The Aylmer Twins and released on August 20, 2015.

Lucy remarked that I was the introverted one and Maria was the outgoing one. However, I’m thrilled to have a black twin, while Maria enjoys boasting about having a white twin to her college friends. Despite being very different from one another, the two are as close as twins can possibly be. They can be proud that they have learned to value both the similarities and differences between them.

They have a close friendship. If I ever have children, they may look like Lucy, says Maria with a smile”. On February 1st, 2019, The Aylmer Twins was published.

The twin girls claim that their relationship only gets closer as they age. Despite no longer dressing alike and having different outward appearances, I think they still have the same lovely smile. Although there have been some setbacks, it is so wonderful to see these two beautiful young women today. They also demonstrate that interior factors do matter.

These two are not only incredibly attractive, but they also have a special bond that no one can break, despite the many rumors that have circulated about their relationship over the years.