Magical bond at play! A three-year-old horse whisperer croons a beautiful lullaby that touches the hearts of the entire herd.

Watch 3-year-old Myf singing to her two horse friends, Chester and Teddy, if you’re looking for a cute video.

Three-year-old “Myf” has a predisposition toward horses. To start singing, this tiny horse whisperer only needs to climb a nearby post.

The horses on her family’s property take off right away because they don’t want to miss a single second of her concert. She has two favorite horses: Teddy and Chester.

When they find out that the song of the day is “We Are the World,” the two horses are ecstatic. They prefer that one. The issue is that they nod off because the music has such a hypnotic effect on them.

Myf is cherished by her wonderful horse friends with a heartbreaking purity of love. They even rest their faces against hers as they take a restorative cat nap.

They won’t be gone for long. Myf will be right there by the horses’ sides when they wake up, ready to show them some love and care.