She responded to her fiancé’s worldwide proposal with a handwritten note!

An Atlanta-based news journalist named Erica Murphy recently posted a touching account of her fiancé’s unusual marriage proposal on social media, garnering a wide range of responses from online users.

Murphy posted a picture of a ring box with the message “Will You Marry Me?” handwritten on it.

She said that before she left for work, her soon-to-be husband, Monta Homes, had hidden this surprise in the bathroom for her to find. The moment was commemorated with the hashtag FutureMrsHomes after she enthusiastically accepted his proposal.

While the news of their engagement delighted the couple, it also prompted a variety of responses from social media users, with some criticizing the way the proposal was handled and others defending the couple’s right to their own personal preferences and choices.

Erica Murphy discussed her views on the matter in an interview. Although it can be amusing to see viral proposals happen to other people, experiencing them firsthand is a completely unique and private experience.

In order to dispel any misconceptions that Monta Homes’ proposal was impulsive or reckless, she wanted to make it clear that he had spent a lot of time and effort thinking about it. To carry out this task, the man traveled from Detroit. “.

She declared emphatically, “This was not an afterthought.”. Murphy talked about how emotionally spent she was from covering a Confederate memorial service for work the days before the proposal.

Just 30 minutes before she was scheduled to wake up for her early morning job, Homes caused a commotion in the bathroom, which she acknowledged annoyed her. It was an old nagging irritant. She acknowledged her current emotional state, saying, “I was just so irritated.”.

In full knowledge that Murphy would go into the bathroom to clean up after him, Monta Homes carefully planned the proposal. He took the chance, tore a page from his study notebook, and wrote the sincere request on it.

Such a person is me. “I want to catch her when she least expects it,” Homes said, elaborating on his justification for the novel strategy. Homes said he was happy with his proposal, despite some criticism on social media for his decision.

He assertively stated, “I know other people wanted me to get the blimp with ‘the world is yours’ and all that other stuff. But that’s only because I could have completed the task. “But I like this better. “.

Erica Murphy was profoundly moved by the proposal’s content, which left an indelible impression on her. She keeps a piece of paper as a memento as a constant reminder of the touching moment she and Monta shared.

She gave her fiance a stunning smile and said, “Monta, you’re so adorable,” expressing her overwhelming emotions on that special day.