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A deep voice suddenly appeared behind her as she was traveling on a plane with a very “Kind” man sitting next to her.

Mother and wife Savannah Phillips have two children together. She continues, “I’m not the smallest or the biggest person on the airplane when I’m flying”.

In a Facebook post, Phillips claimed that she makes an effort “to sit in a row where I don’t have to sit next to anyone” because she doesn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable because they have to sit next to her. ”.

There was no room for Phillips on a Chicago-bound flight in 2018. She was given a chair when she arrived at the gate as opposed to this. She was seated next to a self-described comic who got up when the plane took off to get to her since she had a window seat. She observed him writing a derogatory text about Phillips when he sat back down. He produced his phone a short while later.

According to Phillips, the man seated next to her “took out his phone (with a large font and the screen’s brightness turned up. ). He started texting someone while his phone was only about 12 inches away from her face, lamenting the fact that he was seated next to “a smelly fatty”.

To the window, Phillips turned and began to cry.

The texts were available to more than just Phillips. A nearby passenger named Chase Irwin read the text and observed Phillips’ response. He made the decision to save her at that precise moment.

Someone behind us suddenly taps the guy on the shoulder, Phillips says, and says, “Hey- I need to talk to you.”. The person sitting across from me removes his headphones.

We are switching seats, someone in the back says. Now. Okay, why? asked the person sitting next to me. I overhear someone saying, “I’m not putting up with you texting about her.

You’re texting about her”.

Irwin switched seats with the comedian as he made an effort to console Philips. He asked if I’d read the texts, and I said yes. He gave me his word that everything would be okay and advised me not to let that man get to me.

For the remainder of the flight, they discussed their families, children, and jobs.

To highlight Irwin’s generosity, Phillips posted the tale on Facebook. The place to find him is News Channel 5.