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A homeless man who a woman sees every day offers a piece of paper and his real identity.

Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho, who is homeless, has been living on the streets for 35 years. He tried to write poetry and short stories all day long, but no one ever read them.

In Raimundo’s case, the daily writing kept on. He shared the desire of many other poets and writers to have his works published all over the world, but few publishers were willing to take a chance on a penniless dreamer.

But in the spring of 2011, Raimundo met Shalla, and everything took a turn for the better.

Shalla couldn’t help but wonder why the stray Raimundo was always sitting with a pen. He was writing on scraps of paper all the time as she passed.

Finally, Shalla received one of Raimundo’s poems. She started a Facebook page to draw attention to the man’s extraordinary talent because she saw it while she was out walking.

Shalla and Raimundo were unable to predict the outcome.

When his poetry and short stories were published, a startling figure appeared out of nowhere.

Brazilian street person Raimundo, age 77, has endured a terrible amount of time.

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He was raised in a rural area before relocating to the city of So Paulo at the age of 23. He worked there selling books and gardening.

Raimundo, however, was without a home when the military dictatorship that troubled the nation in the late 1970s existed.

Despite spending 35 years as a homeless person, he never stopped writing poetry and short stories. He went on, despite the fact that nobody else knew about his work.

Despite the difficulties of living on the streets—Raimundo “lived” by a busy road and wore black bags—he had one sincere passion.

Every day Raimundo sat in the same spot, and those who passed by had no idea why he was so preoccupied with his crumpled-up scraps of paper.

The passing villagers saw him as a nasty old man who had fallen on hard times and had no interest in helping himself.

In spite of this, Raimundo persisted in his writing while daydreaming of the time when his work would be accepted for publication.

Then, in 2011, he developed a close relationship with a teenager by the name of Shalla Monteiro.

She communicated with him daily until he subsequently agreed to give her some of his poetry.

After being particularly moved by the project, Shalla started a Facebook page to spread the word about it to the public.

After posting his essay online, Raimundo received a ton of supportive comments. He was sought out by the community, and they gave him kind gifts and supportive remarks.

Over time, Raimundo’s Facebook page amassed more fans; at one point, it had 100,000 fans.

But fame was only a small component of the overall picture. Someone recognized Raimundo when they saw his picture on Facebook. There was the brother he had died without.

Inviting Raimundo to move into his home, the brother immediately gave him a call. What wonderful luck it was to cross paths with each other once more after all those years!

Raimundo finally had the chance to shower, shave, and groom himself after a staggering 35 years.

Raimundo can now sleep peacefully at night because he has a comfortable home. It is truly amazing what a little work can achieve.

Shalla and Raimundo remain close friends.

Raimundo’s remarkable rise from poverty to affluence is chronicled in the critically acclaimed documentary “The Conditioned.”.

Without a doubt, there are homeless people living on the streets all over the world.

There are people, like you and me, who frequently accept lives filled with mud, starvation, and cold due to circumstances beyond their control.

Since they are also people, they share the same goals, abilities, and talents as everyone else.

We can only demonstrate our concern by offering assistance when it is needed. Bravo to Shalla for illustrating the power of even a small amount of compassion. We hope that eventually it will start a chain reaction that keeps transforming lives through the power of optimism.

You never know how a good deed might affect another person. Being kind will prevent you from running into an angel.

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