“A Mother’s Heartbreak: Mom Forbidden from Holding Newborn Baby After Dad’s Concerns About Adam’s Leg Arise”

Andrea West met the future husband during their final year of college. They got engaged shortly after graduating and moved back to Andreas’ hometown. After only a few short years, they got married, and not long after that, they could tell their loved ones that Andrea was expecting their first child. Andrea, she was thrilled. However, after just eleven weeks, the happiness was quickly replaced by sadness.
The baby died, and Andrea.

I was a complete wreck,” Andrea wrote on the Facebook page Love What Matters. It was difficult for me to know what to do, who to talk to, what subjects to bring up, or who could help me. I had no idea that 1 in 4 women had the same issues, and that they are never discussed. I wasn’t sure I could ever handle becoming pregnant once more. Andrea’s anxiety eventually subsided with help from her supportive husband. Thankfully, she got pregnant again.

This time, she vowed, she would take all reasonable measures to ensure the healthy development of her child.
She gave up a variety of foods, including cold-cut meats, sushi, and some cheeses.
She also started reading pregnancy books nonstop in the hopes that this time would be different. As it turned out, she completed her sentence without incident. She arrived at the hospital on time and was seated in a delivery room with her partner.

She was about to be sent home when an ultrasound showed she had little to no amniotic fluid left. As soon as possible, they had to begin inducing labor. Thankfully, the birth went without a hitch. Adam, Andrea’s son, was born to her and her husband before the night was over. However, Andrea’s partner was never able to perform the anticipated umbilical cord cutting. Instead, a bewildered horde of medical staff hurriedly dragged Adam away from his parents. Andrea’s husband observed his son through the shoulders of some medical personnel. He said as he turned back to face Andrea, “There’s something wrong with Adam’s leg, honey. ”.

When dad says, “There’s something wrong with Adam’s leg,” mom is forbidden from holding the newborn.

Twenty individuals had gathered around the young Adam.
Andrea grew more worried as the time passed with no reply. When her mother and partner left the room to tell Andrea’s family what had happened, Andrea was by herself in the ward. However, she was never given an explanation for her child’s condition. It turned out that his right stomach and right leg were marbling purple and black.

Eventually, it was determined that Adam had a very uncommon vascular malformation called Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC) (the birth in the picture has nothing to do with the story).

Both Andrea and her husband were speechless. Before the birth of their son, there had only ever been 500 cases of the illness reported globally. Fortunately, Adam passed every examination that was done on his vital organs. The length of time Andrea spent in the NICU prevented her from getting any sleep for four days. With strict instructions on how to take care of his skin, Adam was finally permitted to go home. However, it became more and more obvious that Adam was a genuine fighter as time went on. Now a happy, healthy young man who loves math and chess, he has recovered. He has even been able to play sports, despite his condition making his leg weak.

released on March 5, 2022 by Andrea West.

Even though he is aware of his minor differences from the other kids, Adam has never felt his disability to be a barrier. Andrea West is still very involved in the CMTC Alliance, a global nonprofit that helps people with uncommon vascular malformations. She tirelessly works to spread awareness of these conditions and is a fierce advocate for those who are affected by them. If you’d like to help the organization and help more people with rare diseases, think about sharing Adam’s story and giving money. On the lives of those who are afflicted by rare diseases, your contribution might have a significant effect.

a post from Andrea West from February 5, 2021.

Adam may have had a rough start in life, but the West family is happy where they are now. Share this article with your Facebook friends so that more people can read this amazing tale!