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A sad-looking woman wearing a basic outfit entered a store!

A woman entered the grocery store wearing uncomplicated clothing and a somber expression. She timidly walked up to the owner and asked if she could take a few things home, promising to pay later.

She spoke in a trembling voice as she described her difficult situation—her husband was seriously ill and unable to work, leaving her to care for their seven children while struggling to make ends meet.

Unimpressed by her suffering, the store owner gave his security guards orders to eject her from the structure. But she begged for his forgiveness, promising to repay him as soon as she could.

A nearby customer overheard their conversation and observed the terrible incident unfold in front of them.

A sad-looking woman walked into a supermarket wearing simple clothing.

When the customer requested permission to shop with his wife, the store owner disregarded him. In response, the shop employee went over to the customer and asked for a list of the items they required.

When she replied favorably, she was told to place her list on the scales.

The scales quickly became weighed down as if a big stone had been placed on top of them after she hesitantly pulled out a piece of paper and placed it on them. The customer and the store were both surprised by this odd sight.

As she stood still, she kept filling the scales with more and more food. The store owner was shocked by what she observed.

The owner carefully examined the paper and concluded that nothing would fit. A prayer that began, “O Lord, you know my needs, and I commit this to your care,” surprised her”.

Owner agreed to give her everything on the scale after being moved by the woman’s tenacity and faith. She must have felt relief, gratitude, and joy as she left the store with her bag full of groceries because of some simple but powerful words of trust.

If you concur that miracles can be a part of God’s plan, kindly leave a comment to that effect and help spread the word by posting this to at least two Facebook groups.

More people will be able to read and use the information. By doing this, we will draw closer to God and be able to share with those around us the joy and peace of God’s presence.

We can improve the environment if we perform this simple act of kindness. God be ever with you and me!