Summer 2014 found Susan Hickman taking a stroll when she became aware of something. A broken eggshell was lying on the ground, she noticed.
For some reason Susan decided against moving on and instead looked into the building.
When she learned that there was, she was stunned!
A young chick was visible when Susan peered inside. His eyes were closed, and he had no feathers.
Even though Susan looked for a nest, she was unsuccessful.

Susan decided to try to save the chick because she understood that if she left him there, he wouldn’t survive on his own.
However, raising a baby bird is difficult. Susan had to feed the bird every 20 to 30 minutes for the first two weeks from dawn until dusk.
Susan persisted despite the difficult process. She was very close to the chick and used a tiny medicine dropper to make sure he got the nutrition he needed.
The bird fought valiantly and made it through the first day.
She quickly referred to him as Klinger.
Now his eyes were open.
He grew into a big, regal bird eventually.

A change of pace, how about that?
To find out more about the tale of Susan and Klinger, view this video:
Share if this heartwarming story touched you as well, and what a blessing it was that Susan saw Klinger and was able to save him!