According to a dark family secret, Jack Nicholson’s sister was actually his mother.

Jack Nicholson is my all-time favorite actor. My first time seeing “The Shining” and the subsequent sleepless nights are probably memories I’ll never forget.

I was glued to the screen the entire time thanks to Nicholson’s performance, which also opened my eyes to the true power of an actor or actress in a role.

At an amazing 81 years old, Nicholson can look back on a remarkable and adventurous career at the top of Hollywood.

In roles in “The Shining” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” he was able to portray a variety of insane characters thanks to his peculiar brows and deep growl. ”.

In a career spanning more than 50 years, he has collaborated with some of the greatest actors and actresses ever.

Otherwise, you should continue reading. But did you know that his family had been keeping something from him for a long time, something that could only be discovered by chance?

On April 22, 1937, John Joseph Nicholson was born in New York. With his businesswoman grandmother Ethel Nicholson, who worked in the beauty industry, the young boy would grow up in New Jersey.

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As a result of his alcoholic father having abandoned the family when Nicholson was still a young child, Jack mistakenly believed that his grandmother was his biological mother.

June, his younger sister, quit her job as a dancer at the age of 19 to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. When he was just 17 years old, Jack made the same move and moved to Los Angeles.

Ethel Nicholson’s grandmother passed away seven years after June Nicholson, who died of cancer in 1963.

Despite his less than ideal start in life, Jack worked hard to accomplish his goals. Success eventually came his way because he persisted in pursuing his acting goals.

But when he was 37, a journalist who had written a profile of him for the film “Chinatown” called him.

The phone call had the potential to change everything.

The reporter learned about the family secret in 1974 while conducting his research and would later reveal it to Jack, who had mistakenly claimed his grandparents to be his parents.

June, his “sister,” had been his biological mother aside from that.

The aspiring Hollywood star initially found the claims offensive and rejected them. However, Jack’s second “sister,” aunt Lorraine, confirmed the family’s secret over the phone while crying.

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After coming to this realization, Jack remarked, “The incident was rather spectacular, but I wouldn’t characterize it as traumatic. I was quite well formed psychologically.”.

Because June gave birth to Jack while she was just 18 and unmarried, her parents decided to raise him as their own. June was selected to assume the role of his older sister.

As of the time of writing, Nicholson’s biological father’s identity is unknown.

In spite of claims to the contrary from other sources, there has been a lot of speculation that the father may have been June’s manager.

It makes sense to us that being fed such a massive lie as a child would be shocking. Ethel and June had each brought the knowledge to their graves.

However, Jack has no resentment for them.

Jack has grown to be one of history’s most well-known and successful actors despite this long-standing family secret.

Character-defining because it reveals a rare insight, he doesn’t hold his family responsible for the information they withheld from him.

If the Nicholson family history surprised you, please tell your Facebook friends about it so they can be surprised too.