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According to experts, Melania Trump won’t support her husband in the election.

Let’s just say that Donald Trump and Melania Trump have experienced a lot together. Barron Trump, who they have, is a young man who is developing quickly, but since the Trumps left the White House, rumors about their strained relationship have repeatedly surfaced.

Melania reportedly stated in the past that she would never again visit the White House. The couple’s future may not be as clear-cut as one might think, according to the most recent reports. Of course, since Donald will now run for president in 2024, that may change.

After Donald Trump won the 2016 US Presidential election, he and Melania Trump moved into the White House with their son, Barron. Many people believed that Trump did a great job during his four years in office, while others held the opposite opinion. His presidency was marked by this polarization.

Trump has declared his bid for the presidency in 2024.

But regardless of what you may think of their performance as President and First Lady, there were events that unquestionably cemented Donald and Melania in history.

Donald Trump only revealed his bid for the White House in 2024 last week.

From his Mar-a-Lago waterfront estate in Florida, where his campaign will have its headquarters, Trump said, “Tonight, I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States in an effort to make America great and glorious again.”.

“We were a great nation two years ago, and we will soon be a great nation once more. This will not be my campaign; rather, it will be our collective campaign”.

“I have no doubt that by 2024, it will sadly be much worse, and they will see clearly what has happened and is happening to our country. The voting will be much different,” Trump asserted”.

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The real reason why Barron Trump resisted saying “I love you” to his father, Donald Trump.

Melania Trump’s enigmatic appearance prior to her marriage to Donald.

Trump is reportedly eager to return to the White House, but his family members aren’t as enthusiastic.

Ivanka Trump, his daughter, made a statement shortly after her father announced his 2024 presidential bid. In his previous White House administration, she had a significant role; this time, however, she is no longer there.

I adore my father dearly. This time, I’ve made the decision to give my young children and the private life we’re building as a family more importance. Ivanka, who did not attend her father’s press conference, stated that she had no intentions of getting involved in politics.

Arguments between Donald Trump and Melania Trump at the White House.

“While I will always love and support my father, I will do so moving forward outside of the political sphere. I will always be proud of many of the accomplishments made by our administration, and I am grateful to have had the privilege of serving the American people”.

While residing in Washington, DC, Donald and Melania did get into a few arguments. Some disagreements were more contentious than others, with Trump lashing out at his wife in the infamous “jacket incident” in particular.

Melania was wearing a jacket that read, “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” as she traveled to a Texas migrant housing facility.

Stephanie Grisham, a former White House press secretary, admitted in I’ll Take Your Questions Now that she had missed Melania’s jacket’s message at the time. Because of their practice of severing migrant children from their families, Trump and his administration faced harsh criticism.

The administration was seen as having a good opportunity to improve its perception of the problem thanks to Melania’s visit. In the end, they gave up on the program.

The president reportedly became incensed upon Melania’s return from Texas. According to reports, Donald called his wife into the Oval Office and yelled at her for donning the offensive jacket.

Working “from home” at the White House was what Melania Trump preferred.

According to Grisham’s account in her memoir, as quoted by The Washington Post, “He yelled and asked ‘what the [expletive]'” they thought they were doing.

Later, during a CNN interview, Melania Trump discussed the jacket.

It’s clear that I didn’t wear the jacket for the kids, she said. “I wore the jacket both getting on and getting off the plane. And it was done in support of the people and the left-leaning media that criticize me. ”.

Melania performed several crucial duties as First Lady while Donald spent his days working in the White House. But if rumors are to be believed, she didn’t really enjoy working from her East Wing residence’s office.

During her four years in the White House, Grisham allegedly saw Melania only “a handful of times” at the office suite.

Donald Trump was an “unconventional” and “strict” father, according to Eric Trump.

Donald Trump’s two ex-wives were divorced for the reasons revealed by Melania Trump.

When necessary, we would meet in person, but these usually took place in the Map Room, which is located next to the residence’s elevators. There, we would discuss objectives, respond to urgent questions, and plan our schedules. Apart from that, the first lady remained in her rooms at the house. ”.

Melania Trump spent a lot of her time in the executive residence rather than the First Lady’s office in the East Wing. Because “she remained in her tower, never descending,” the Secret Service even gave her the nickname Rapunzel. ”.

According to reports, Melania Trump doesn’t want to serve as First Lady once more.

Melania will obviously take over as First Lady once more if Trump wins the 2024 election. She reportedly has no desire to take on the role again, despite what earlier reports might have you believe.

Melania, according to CNN, has told several friends that she has no plans to serve as first lady again because she is tired of living in the White House and prefers a more private life.

A source close to the Trump family told CNN in September that the first lady “doesn’t want to be the first lady again.”.

For her, it was the end of a chapter, and that was the end of it”.

Furthermore, Melania feels that it is her husband’s job to work for the Republican Party, not her own.

Another person added, “You won’t see her at rallies or campaign events, even if he ‘officially’ says he’s running again.

Instead, it will either be Lara (Eric Trump’s wife) or Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr. They share Trump’s urge to run for office again, but Melania does not. ”.

Throughout the 2020 presidential campaign, Donald Trump and Melania’s disagreements were clear. Former Vice President Mike Pence’s memoir, So God Help Me, which was published last week, offers fresh insight into the former First Couple’s marriage.

Melania advises me to emulate Mike more.

Pence describes how Melania gave her husband notes following the first presidential debate against Joe Biden, which had a disastrous outcome, in an excerpt from the book that Business Insider was able to obtain.

The debate was held on Fox News, with moderator Chris Wallace having a very difficult time maintaining control. Joe Biden was repeatedly attacked by Donald Trump during the debate, and at one point, Biden even reprimanded him, saying, “Will you shut up, man? This is so unpresidential. ”.

Pence recalled how Melania intervened to offer her husband a critique of the heated discussion, including advice on how to behave during the following one. She advised Donald to exercise more restraint and refrain from interfering with Biden once more.

Pence recalled Donald Trump telling him, complimenting him for paying attention to his wife, “Melania says I gotta be more like Mike.”.

Pence added that Donald was “more understated and effective” in the second debate. ”.

As previously mentioned, Melania is said to have made it very clear that she doesn’t want to serve as First Lady once more. Despite the fact that her husband is preparing for a new presidential campaign, she has no interest in supporting him.

Anderson Cooper was informed by CNN correspondent Kate Bennett that Melania detests “being in the news” and wants to avoid having her name connected to her husband’s outbursts.

Bennett said on CNN that appearing in news stories is not something the ultra-private Melania Trump enjoys. Trump soon apologized to her on Truth Social for what he called “made up” stories about her involvement.

Between Donald and Melania, a “chilly” relationship exists.

She dislikes being in the news. Kate Bennett later revealed to Anderson Cooper that the woman “certainly doesn’t like her name being associated with the ravings of her husband.”.

Bennett continued, “Right now, our relationship isn’t exactly where we want it to be.”. Regarding the presidential campaign, Donald may even decide to travel by himself.

The weather there at the moment is a little chilly, she said. “I don’t believe she intends to participate in political campaigning. ”.

Since 2004, Donald and Melania have been wed.

After leaving her native Slovenia, Melania began working as a model, where they eventually fell in love.

In 1998, they first ran into each other at a New York Fashion Week event.

At the time, Melania was working as a model.

The event for Fashion Week was attended by Donald, who was then just a wealthy real estate tycoon who had recently divorced Marla Maples. He is said to have wanted to get to know Melania instead after seeing her.

“I lost it.

Actually, I had another meeting scheduled. In 2005, Donald said to Larry King, “There was this great supermodel sitting next to Melania.

They declared, ‘Look, there’s so-and-so. I commanded, “Forget about her. And it was Melania, who was standing to the left. ”.

But the two didn’t exactly fall in love at first sight. Her best friend, Edit Molnar, said Melania admitted to being “turned off” by Trump because he was there with someone else and continued to ask for her phone number. She also said that he was “totally out of the question.”.

“If I give him my number, I’ll just be another woman he calls,’ I said”.

Melania declared, “He’s here with a woman.

I will under no circumstances give him my phone number,'” Molnar recalled.

She wouldn’t even give it a thought.

All of the work was completed by Donald”.

Melania told Tatler, “He wanted my number.

I didn’t give it to him, of course, because he was out on a date.

I proclaimed, “I won’t give you my number; give it to me, and I’ll call you”.

I’ll just be one of the women he calls if I give him my phone number”.

Before reconciling and moving in together in 2001, the two had previously broken up. Before the couple’s marriage three years later, Melania received her green card around the same time and resided in Trump’s penthouse in the Trump Tower in Manhattan.

In 1999, Donald declared his intention to run for president during an interview with CNN’s Larry King. He added that he would wed Melania Trump to “make up for the absence of a First Lady”.

Only time will tell if Donald Trump wins the election to be the next President of the United States. But as of right now, it’s not entirely clear if his wife Melania will reside in the White House with him should he win.

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