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After spotting a small detail in a mother’s adorable video of her adorable baby girl, some viewers are incensed.

As a parent, you have the power to make decisions that are in your child’s best interests. That not everyone will support your decisions should go without saying.

And when thousands of people hear about your choice, some people will disagree.

Lara, who is 4 months old, is already well-known on TikTok as a result of her parents posting videos of their child there. On her TikTok page, you can find a lot of videos of the infant.

Lara’s mother posted a video of her “growing up” on YouTube to demonstrate to her fans how much she had changed between the time she was born in the hospital and when she was four months old.

However, some of Lara’s supporters objected to the investigation into her life after she had only been alive for a little over 24 hours.

Lara’s earrings were pierced in the videos when she was only 24 hours old, and many viewers could see it. The idea of piercing a baby’s ears so soon after birth raised many people’s concerns.

Public outrage was generated by the notion of piercing a baby’s ears at such a young age. They discussed whether or not that was acceptable. After that, some people brought up the fact that in some cultures, it’s normal for newborn babies to have their ears pierced.

A tiny detail in a mother’s adorable video of her adorable baby girl has some viewers outraged.

People continued to voice their concerns and displeasure with Lara’s mother over her choice, saying they believed the infant should have been given the freedom to decide for herself when she was older whether or not she wanted her ears pierced.

“I just don’t get it,” a reviewer remarked. Someone said, “Don’t fool yourself. “And the pain is the same now as it will be when they get older. When my babies are old enough to understand these things, I’ll let them make the decision as to whether or not they want their ears pierced.

Lara’s mother persisted in defending herself and her choice despite all the criticism and reprimand.

It doesn’t hurt as much when you get your ears pierced when you’re 2 or 3 days old as it does when you’re 1 or 2 years old. The neonatologists at the hospital allegedly poke holes in newborns, according to the woman.

Along with Lara’s mother, other individuals mentioned how different cultures have different traditions. Every parent approaches raising their child in a unique way.

But Lara’s mom seems to believe that even young kids should have pierced ears. If you agree with her, leave a comment below and let us know!

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