Shelia Frederick, the flight attendant, was concerned as a man and a young woman boarded an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to San Francisco.
The female was less fashionable than the male and avoided making eye contact with anyone.
Shelia was working on the plane and couldn’t help but think about the girl. After some time, she had an excellent but dangerous idea. Bravery enabled this small child to be saved from a terrible situation.
While bringing food on board the plane, Shelia couldn’t help but want to look the girl in the eye.
She told a coworker what was going on, and the two of them tried to get the man to look somewhere else while Shelia tried to get the girl’s attention.
Shelia noticed her eyes were just sad when she finally looked up.

She had a brilliant idea; she locked one of the plane’s lavatories while stuffing a piece of paper and a pencil inside, and then only unlock it for the girl.
When her colleague finally got the man’s attention, Shelia mouthed the bathroom before miming writing. She then awaited the girl’s understanding.
The girl calling for an excuse to use the restroom is a good thing. The man remained by her side outside the restroom, but Shelia was determined to stay and keep an eye on him.
Shelia said, “I dropped a letter in one of the restrooms. “I need help,” was written in the note.
As soon as the pilot was made aware, he coordinated with ground control to set up a meeting place for the man upon landing.
The brave flight attendant describes the entire incident in the video below.
Shelia kept in touch with the young woman she had rescued from human trafficking, and they had spoken on the phone a few times over the years. The Western Journal claims that the young woman is even enrolled in college.
People should report anything they see, Shelia says.
Please help us spread the word to encourage others to trust their instincts and to remember Shelia Frederick, who was brave and excellent. She is a wonderful role model for us all.