Tom, an Englishman, is never shy about expressing his love for his young son Roman. However, some people were not happy when the couple’s public displays of devotion were posted on social media.
The North England father, who has come under attack for kissing his five-year-old son on the lips, will not yield to the trolls’ accusations that he is confusing his child.
Roman stands by the father as he responds to the frightening users by saying, “You are all crazy!” and providing some simple explanations and lots of humor.

A parent-child relationship is endearing and long-lasting, and it helps children develop their morals, principles, and personalities.
Every parent has a different approach to raising their children, with some methods influenced by culture, socioeconomic factors, mental and physical health, or personal preferences.
Tom, a devout father of two from Yorkshire, England, doesn’t allow the nasty comments of trolls to affect the way he raises his children.
Women are drawn to the father’s strikingly blue eyes, accent, beautifully sculpted and tattooed body, or his love for his two sons, Roman, 5, and Raphael Reign, who were born in the middle of May 2023. The father frequently uploads videos of his sons on TikTok.
Tom now frequently addresses accusations that he’s confusing Roman, putting him in danger from strangers or infection in many of the videos he publishes on TikTok.
Tom, however, is unyielding.
The father from Northern England replied to a user on June 27 who said, “Just gorgeous both, but don’t kiss him on the lips. “.
fyp foryou xyzbca xuhuong foryoupage in response to @Haley Bear what are you using to brush your teeth with, please?
Tom, the original sound.
In response, Tom emphasized that he would show his five-year-old child affection for as long as it was allowed. The response from Tom is, “I find it troubling that it bothers you. Because I adore him and he is my best friend, I will continue to kiss my five-year-old child on the lips as long as he permits me to do so and as long as I feel comfortable doing so. However, one day he won’t want me to do so, and he most likely won’t want much to do with me. So, for the time being, I’ll carry on as I am. “.
Fans responded by leaving upbeat comments like, “Love kisses with my kids and now my granddaughter-the people who think it’s wrong are the worry xx.”. Another person, who had also recently lost her father, remarked, “That’s ridiculous. I used to kiss my father on the lips, but I lost him two years ago, and I wish I could cuddle and kiss him once more. “.
Tom replied to the wise words, “He is the most loving little boy, and it’s because we raise him with love. I appreciate your input. “.
The father, however, was prompted to respond with a quick response video by one user’s egregious charge. Because of the bacteria in your mouth, you shouldn’t kiss him, the author writes. Did you know that if you have them and kiss them, you can make your child more (vulnerable) to cavities?”.
Roman has responded to @kerry by saying “fyp for you” and “xyzbca xuhuong for you page.”.
Tom, the original sound.
In a funny post that has received nearly 123,000 likes, Tom writes, “Wow. I get cavities when I kiss my five-year-old son on the lips. Because of his father’s kissing, he will develop cavities. Tom then asks Roman what he’s thinking before turning to him. The child laughs and says, “Don’t be silly!” He then kisses his father’s lips to complete the sentence.
The unfounded claim that Tom kissing Roman would cause cavities infuriated the audience. You kiss away, you two,” says one while the other adds, “That is so ridiculous…and I work (with or as) a dentist.
omg…who educated that person…?”.
My son is adorable.
Keep being the good father you are. “.
Early in July, Tom posted an image of Roman sitting on his lap in the car that has since gone viral. Don’t worry, Tom writes in the post that has received nearly 579,000 likes. There will be no change at all. “Roman, what do you think about people who think you shouldn’t kiss me on the lips?” the father asks his son.
You all are crazy. Roman declares categorically, “That’s my father. The couple shares a romantic kiss as the video comes to a close.
Responding to @Nicole, you are now genuinely worrying me. foryoupage fyp xyzbca xuhuong.
Tom, the original sound.
Fans jumped in to defend his position and stand by the father, with one writing, “Some people are just sick; he is adorable and would soon tell ya when he gets older if he didn’t like it. Another responds, “We kiss on the cheeks in my culture, but I love that father-son relationship. “.
Someone replied by asking the trolls of the Yorkshire father, “Do you have a problem with him kissing him on the lips because he is a man? Because I’m sure you wouldn’t if this was his mother.”. “.
Tom responds, “I have genuinely been real interested in knowing this because it is something I have also thought. I thank the woman for bringing the important message to light in response to her remark. If it had been a mother kissing a child, I genuinely doubt that anyone would have objected. However, whenever it is a man, such as a father showing his young son love, some odd minority always objects, for reasons I cannot fathom. I appreciate that this is being said by a woman as well, and I’m not changing anything, he continues.
In a different video, the father reacts angrily to a remark that the young boy’s cute pecks may leave him open to predatory individuals.
“Fact: Don’t kiss your kids on the lips. Because, as you can see, not every person has the best interests at heart. The author yelled, “Don’t make it acceptable!”.
I’m responding to @teresa02garcia, ah jheez. For you, xyzbca xuhuong fyp.
Tom provided the original sound.
The logical conclusion is that if I kiss my five-year-old, he’ll think he can run away and it’s okay to kiss strangers, strange adults… obviously! Tom said. He said, choking back his laughter, “So let’s apply that logic.”. “I can’t take him anywhere anymore for fear that he’ll get in a stranger’s car and think it’s okay. He is no longer allowed to reside in my home, so he might wander into a stranger’s house and assume that it is normal. “.
The devoted father offered a fresh plan of action: “Or, hear me out, we could… Teach him that he has a mother and a father and that kissing them is normal, but kissing shady Barry down the street is strange. “.
We’re happy to see that Tom doesn’t back down from online trolls who have no right to tell him how to parent because the majority of his online community supports him and applauds the love he has for his son.
What do you think about mothers giving their kids a kiss on the lips, and do you think it’s okay for fathers to do the same?