Curious and profound! A six-year-old’s question during a hospital stay after a near-death experience leaves us pondering: “When will I see God again?

Young Zola Tomic asked her mother Brittani before going to gymnastics one day, “When can I see God again?” because they hadn’t been talking about God at the time.

He was there for the six-year-old, though, when she required him. Tomic Zola underwent standard surgery to have her tonsils removed. Everything was fine up until the point where she barged into her mother’s bedroom bleeding heavily.

The little girl had been bleeding now for over ten days. Then God was about to die, and Zola saw it. The family was kept in the dark about the experience up until the moment she uttered the breath-taking words, “When can I see God again?”.

Prior to Zola’s tragic incident, the family was not aware that she had the rare disease Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). Zola’s pregnancy was deemed to be high risk, in her mother’s opinion. The experts thought it was just a coincidence, though, since the markers did not correspond to trisomy 18 or down syndrome.

Due to numerous health issues throughout her childhood, the doctors found that Zola’s tonsils were excessively large and might be affecting how she breathes. Following this information, the parents made the decision to have the procedure because they thought it would be the solution to all of their issues.

After her close call with death, Zola began to speak more candidly about her miraculous experience. On the eve of her impending death, God had thanked Zola for becoming his friend. Brittani clarifies that while she was in the hospital, she never lost consciousness.

This young girl had experienced God as a solace. Zola’s terrifying health incident caused the family’s Christian beliefs to drastically change. In order to bring attention to the girl’s condition, the family later founded a non-profit organization.