Desi Arnaz’s Inspiring Journey to Sobriety: ‘I Love Lucy’ Star Finds Redemption with Son’s Support

Even though Desi Arnaz was a successful entertainer, his children, especially his daughter Lucie, believe that the best thing he ever did was to get sober. It came near the end of his life, but sobriety was a victory.

Lucie Arnaz, Desi and Lucille Balle’s daughter, outlined how the Cuban-American succeeded in completing such a challenging task.

Star of “I Love Lucy” Desi Arnaz successfully quit drinking a year before he passed away with the assistance of his son.
Lucy, the 70-year-old star of I Love Lucy, talked about her parents and their relationship in a documentary that will premiere on Amazon Prime Video.

The documentary, which incorporates archival video and audio, tells tales about how Desi’s drinking impacted his relationships, particularly his marriage to Lucy. Desi Arnaz “was like Jekyll and Hyde,” according to Lucille Ball, in Desilu: The Story of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. ”. He gambled, drank, went out with other women. Women and alcohol have always been synonymous. I was expecting it. I kept hoping that things would change. However, Desi is an evil character. The couple eventually got divorced in 1960, 20 years after they got married and at the time had two children.
Ball claimed that Arnaz had treated her with “extreme cruelty” and “grievous mental suffering.”.

The “I Love Lucy” star Desi Arnaz sobered up with the assistance of his son a year before he passed away.
Both of them remarried after their divorce. Ball wed Gary Morton, who drank less than Desi, while Desi wed Edith Hirsch, affectionately known as “Lucy 2.”. As they each started new lives with new partners, however, Desi still had demons to face. He kept drinking, though. He resisted joining any kind of program, even AA, for a very, very long time. He hated it when people said we shouldn’t air our dirty laundry in public. But he did at last, Lucie told People, following the death of his wife Edy. Final words from Desi Jr. The son of Desi and Lucille got his dad to ask for help.

“I think my brother convinced him to say, ‘Come on, Dad,’ and he was just so upset. You are capable of completing this. “And he executed it. ”. He set the drink aside. ”.

Star of “I Love Lucy” Desi Arnaz successfully quit drinking a year before he passed away with the assistance of his son.
I was standing next to him when he stood up and introduced himself as Desi, a recovering alcoholic. The proudest moment of my life was when I was sitting right next to him and listening to him do that, Lucie reflects. It was like, ‘I don’t give a damn what you do after this.
You did what was the best thing you’ve ever done.
He found it challenging, which I can understand. Everyone finds it challenging, but for him in particular, it was very challenging. Unfortunately, Desi was diagnosed with lung cancer not long after beginning his sober lifestyle, and he passed away on December 2, 1986. “I was very proud of him because he had to overcome a big challenge to do that. That calls for a great deal of bravery. ”.

It’s unfortunate that Desi died so soon after beginning his road to recovery, but I wasn’t aware of this. I’m glad he’s finally kicked the habit. You should inform any Desi Arnaz fans you know about this.