Donald Trump's wife Melania won't support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

Donald Trump’s wife Melania won’t support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

A grand jury in New York has formally indicted former president Donald Trump.

Trump arrived in New York City on Monday to defend himself against 34 charges of business fraud. Along with his son, Eric Trump, several of Trump’s closest associates were traveling on the private plane. But neither Melania Trump, the youngest son of Donald Trump, nor Barron were in sight. According to reports, Melania has chosen not to travel with her husband as he pursues his goal of running as the Republican nominee for president in the 2024 election.

Donald Trump's wife Melania won't support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

Her husband will now go on trial for his alleged involvement in the cover-up and hush-money payment scheme involving adult film star Stormy Daniels prior to the 2016 presidential election. A former White House aide claims that Melania doesn’t want to be involved in the trial and isn’t even likely to attend to show her support. The former president Donald Trump has been charged by a Manhattan grand jury, in case you haven’t been living under a rock. The $130,000 allegedly given to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 as “hush money” is the subject of the investigation. On Thursday, the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg released a statement confirming the indictment. Donald Trump will become the first former president in US history to face criminal charges. Trump is accused of falsifying business records on 34 felony counts.

Index of contents.

Melania Trump “remains angry” at Donald and is unlikely to stand by her husband because “She doesn’t like being in the news.” Donald Trump has been charged. No cameras were allowed in the courtroom. What transpired between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels?

Donald Trump has been accused.

In a statement following the indictment’s release, Trump called the investigation a “witch hunt” and predicted that President Joe Biden would suffer “massive backlash.”. The American people are fully aware of what the Radical Left Democrats are up to in this situation. Everyone is aware of it. In order to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump vowed in the statement, “We are going to throw every single one of these Crooked Democrats out of office. We will first defeat Alvin Bragg, then we will defeat Joe Biden.

On Monday, the former president took a private jet from his home in Florida to New York City. Eric Trump, one of his son’s closest advisers, was also on board. Melania, his wife, was not present, though. She won’t stand by her husband in person, reports say. Trump spent Monday night in his apartment in Trump Tower before appearing in court in person on Tuesday. A defendant typically has their fingerprints and mug shot taken during the lengthy arraignment process. When the judge was ready to hear the charges against him, Donald Trump appeared before him and entered a “not guilty” plea. ”.

According to a source who has “been briefed on the procedures for the arraignment of the former president,” Trump was not jailed or forced to have his picture taken, nor was he placed in handcuffs or confined to a cell.

The courtroom was camera-free.

Donald Trump's wife Melania won't support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

Together with the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the Secret Service and New York Court officials came to the conclusion that there was no justification for doing so. The primary justification for handcuffing a defendant is that they might be dangerous or threatening. However, Donald Trump was not deemed to be either, primarily because Secret Service agents typically defend him. Donald Trump’s legal team claimed in a letter to Judge Juan Merchan that requests for courtroom cameras should be rejected because they “will create a circus-like atmosphere at the arraignment, raise unique security concerns, and are inconsistent with President Trump’s presumption of innocence.”. ”.

Let’s examine Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels’ past to determine what actually occurred. In a 2018 60 Minutes interview, Daniels recalled first meeting Trump in July 2006 at a celebrity golf event in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. In his hotel room, they met and exchanged an invitation to dinner.

There, the two engaged in sexual activity. Daniels was 27 years old and Trump was 60 years old at the time.

What transpired between Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump?

The adult film entertainer was invited by the then-The Apprentice star to his Trump Tower office in New York as well as a launch party for Trump Vodka in California. I was never asked not to tell anyone by him. In her interview with 60 Minutes, Daniels recalled that he called her several times while she was in front of a large crowd. “Oh my God, he’s calling,” she would say as she answered the phone.

“They were like, ‘Shut up, the Donald?’ and I’d put him on speakerphone, and he wanted to know what I was up to and, “When can we get together again? I just wanted to give you a quick update, we had a meeting, it went great. It’s going to be amazing, they are totally on board, and I was like, “Hmm, that part I never believed.”. “Melania Trump had given birth to Barron, her and Donald’s son, only a few months prior to Stormy and Donald’s first encounter. “I inquired [about Barron and Melania]. And he dismissed it, saying, “Oh yeah, yeah, don’t worry about that.”. We have separate rooms and other things, so we don’t even. ’”.

Trump allegedly invited Daniels to stay in his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles a year after they first met. There, he made an effort to persuade her to apply to the Celebrity Apprentice spin-off competition. Five years later, she provided her perspective on what actually transpired. Daniels spoke with a publication that is related to In Touch Magazine, and there she described her encounter with Donald Trump. Daniels received a $15,000 payment for the interview, even though it was never published.

According to reports, Donald was informed after being contacted by the magazine for comments. As a result, Michael Cohen, his lawyer, vowed to file a lawsuit against the publication.

If something happened to her mother, it would be unfortunate.

Donald Trump's wife Melania won't support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

Daniels was never compensated for the interview. Just a few weeks later, she was threatened by a man in Las Vegas who approached her. “I was in a parking lot with my infant daughter, heading to a fitness class. T- taking the backseat seats out of the upright position, taking out the diaper bag, etc. I was then approached by a man who told me to “leave Trump alone.”. On 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper was given this advice by Daniels: “Forget the story.

He turned around and said, “That’s a beautiful little girl,’ before turning to face my daughter. If something happened to her mother, it would be unfortunate. “And then he vanished.”. “In 2016, Donald paid Daniels $130,000 via his lawyer Michael Cohen in exchange for her signing a non-disclosure agreement regarding their interactions. She reportedly signed the contract just eleven days before Trump won the 2016 presidential election, according to CBS. March 17, 1979 saw the birth of Stormy Daniels in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In addition to writing, directing, and acting in adult films for more than 20 years, Stephanie Clifford is who she claims to be.

Daniels was one of the most well-known actresses in the adult film industry when she and Donald met at the aforementioned celebrity golf tournament. She has been married three times and had a daughter named Caden in 2011.

Donald’s future and whether or not he receives punishment are both uncertain and dependent on time. The fact that his wife Melania doesn’t appear eager to stand by her husband in court, however, has been made abundantly clear.

Donald Trump “remains angry” in Melania’s eyes.

Donald Trump's wife Melania won't support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

The former First Lady has reportedly kept up her lifestyle at Mar-a-Lago. Melania is “leading her own life and still feels happy being at Mar-a-Lago, surrounded by people who love her and who never talk about reality or bad things about her husband,” a source said, according to the news organization. Melania, her husband, and their son Barron have resided at the Palm Beach estate ever since she left the White House. Nobody is aware of Melania’s exact whereabouts, despite the fact that their 17-year-old son attends a nearby school.

She is said to enjoy her life in Florida, but she disagrees with her husband’s position on the hush-money payment trial. According to the source who spoke to People, “She is still upset and doesn’t want to hear about [the alleged hush money payment].”. She maintains her happiness with her own family and a select group of close friends, and she is aware of who her husband is. The fourth of December has been set aside for the Trump case’s subsequent hearing. Former White House aide Stephanie Grisham predicts that Melania won’t stand by her husband during the trial.

According to Inside Edition, Melania doesn’t feel sorry for her husband, according to her former chief of staff.

Melania Trump is unlikely to stand by her husband.

“I would be incredibly surprised. If she appeared in court, Stephanie Grisham said she would be “very surprised.”. “Because Stormy Daniels is involved. She simply lacks the character to support her man in such a situation. ”.

“She isn’t offering him much moral support, and I’m sure she is still telling him, “You got yourself into this mess. She continued, “I’m not going to stand by your side and encourage you as you attempt to escape from it. In addition, Stephanie claimed that Melania disapproved of Donald when she first learned of his alleged liaison with Stormy Daniels. She frequently told me, “This is his problem,” Grisham recalled.

Trump wouldn’t be discouraged from running for president again even if he were to be found guilty during the trial. But it appears that he’ll probably be doing that without his wife’s help. Melania, according to CNN, has told a number of friends that she doesn’t want to serve as first lady again because she is tired of living in the White House and prefers a more private life. Being the first lady once more is not what she wants, a close friend of the Trump family reportedly told CNN in September.

For her, it was the end of a chapter, and that was the end of it. ”.

She dislikes being in the media.

Donald Trump's wife Melania won't support him in court, according to a former White House aide.

Furthermore, Melania thinks it is her husband’s job to work for the Republican Party, not her own.

Another person added, “Even if he ‘officially’ says he’s running again, you won’t see her at rallies or campaign events. “Instead, Lara (Eric Trump’s wife) or Kimberly Guilfoyle (Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend) will be the recipient. They share Trump’s urge to run for office again; Melania emphatically does not. Anderson Cooper was informed by CNN correspondent Kate Bennett that Melania despises “being in the news” and wants to avoid having her name connected to her husband’s outbursts.

The ultra-private Melania Trump does not enjoy appearing in news stories, Bennett said on CNN. “Trump was soon apologizing to her on Truth Social for what he called’made up’ stories about her involvement,” Bennett said. She dislikes making headlines. She definitely doesn’t like having her name associated with her husband’s outbursts, Bennett later told Anderson Cooper. Bennett added that the relationship between Donald and Melania isn’t ideal right now. Donald may even travel by himself during the presidential campaign.

She remarked, “Right now, things there are a little chilly.”. She doesn’t seem to be planning to campaign, in my opinion. ”.