Heartfelt Updates on Kevin Costner That You Need to Know.

Divorce is never easy, but it becomes much more difficult when there are kids involved and a famous spouse in the public eye. We’re talking about the split between Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner, his second wife.

After 18 years of marriage, Baumgartner filed for divorce on May 1, 2023. She had revealed her intentions to get a divorce to Costner a month prior, and they had initially planned to inform their three children jointly. Costner finally told his children about the divorce via video conference.

The main points of contention in the divorce proceedings between the soon-to-be ex-spouses are the children, their living expenses, and child support. Baumgartner is asking for $248,000 in child support each month. Costner, meanwhile, thinks that Baumgartner will benefit more from a significant portion of the child support request than the kids will.

Baumgartner reportedly asks for expenses like a personal trainer and plastic surgery, which Costner’s legal team believes are for Baumgartner rather than the children. According to Costner’s lawyer Laura Wasser, Baumgartner spent $188,500 every month on plastic surgery in 2022. Wasser deemed Baumgartner’s evaluation to be “fundamentally dishonest. “.

Child support is meant to guarantee that the couple’s kids maintain the standard of living they have grown accustomed to after the divorce. It goes without saying that living in a multi-million dollar mansion would be expensive, but how much is actually reasonable?

Wasser claims that Costner is prepared to contribute the suggested $123,620 in child support. Additionally, their prenup requires him to give Baumgartner $1.4 million after the divorce is finalized.

In addition, he is obligated to cover her mortgage, insurance, and taxes until she vacates, and he is granting her free use of one week per year at his Aspen home with their kids. Furthermore, he would permit her to join them at the golf clubs and would pay for all of her expenses while she was there.

Costner’s beachfront mansion in Carpinteria, California, is where Baumgartner is currently staying. If Costner agrees to pay her demands for child support, she declares she’ll leave. According to their prenuptial agreement, she was required to vacate Costner’s home within 30 days of filing for divorce.

Baumgartner and Costner haven’t seen each other since declaring their divorce. That was done in honor of their son Cayden’s birthday. During their brief time together in the same home, they got along well. After taking a short break to celebrate his son’s birthday, Costner has returned to the location where he has been filming “Horizon” in Utah.

To learn more about the divorce proceedings between Costner and Baumgartner, view the video below.

Do you believe Costner will prevail in this conflict or do you think Baumgartner will get her way regarding child support?