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In exchange for his missing wallet, which contained thousands of dollars, the teen gives the veteran, only to get a text from his mother later.

You come across a wallet full of cash and are forced to ask yourself a crucial question, just like in the movie “What Would You Do?”.

Tommy O’Connor, a senior at Irvington High School, was in that situation when he left a 7-Eleven in Fremont, California, and saw a wallet lying on the ground.

He reportedly found a stack of $100 bills inside, according to The Mercury News. There were so many that the total amount of cash was $2,300. This led to a challenging situation for Tommy.

Most of us would like to think that we could solve this conundrum while still being morally upright. However, when you’re in the situation, that little doubting Thomas known as human nature rears his head to mutter that things are unquestionably different.

Fortunately, Tommy didn’t waver and made the decision to track down the wallet’s real owner. However, there was a problem when he was unable to find a name or address to go with the cash.

Instead, he gave the wallet to Andre Gomez, his high school paraeducator. He was eager to identify the owner of the wallet, Andre recalled. He didn’t even think about the alternatives. He knew what had to be done at once”.

Teen gives veteran his stolen wallet that contained thousands of dollars, only to get a text from his mother.

The Veteran’s Identification Card had a name on it, which Tommy and Andre found when they took a closer look inside the wallet. To return what was rightfully his, the two then got in touch with the veteran.

After the reconnect, the vet explained that the money was essential to him because he needed it to cover his rent. In appreciation, he gave Tommy $50 and complimented him on his generosity.

But as time goes on, the mystery only deepens. When Tommy discovered the wallet, it turned out that he had more reason than most to take the money and keep it for himself. Tommy’s family has financial difficulties; the day before he made his discovery, he didn’t even have enough money for lunch.

In response to a question regarding a sizable sum of money, Tommy’s father told KPIX 5: “With us living month-to-month, it is a big chunk of money, and I’m so proud of him that he did that. ”.

He ought to be happy as a result. Tommy’s deeds demonstrate that there is still hope for a morally upright society where people assist one another not out of necessity but because it is the right thing to do.

After learning what her son had accomplished, Tommy’s mother also sent him a touching letter to let him know how “very proud” she was of him. “I love you to the moon and back,” the mother’s text from the child read. ”.

You should thank yourself, he simply said in response. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here today.

Tommy could have used the money to support himself or his family; most likely, nobody would have known. But the fact that he didn’t can inspire individuals all over the world. His tale ultimately has more value than $2,300 because it inspires kindness and moral character. These items are also priceless.

If you think Tommy is a good citizen and want more people to emulate him, share this article on Facebook. ”.