King Charles’ Unprecedented Move Raises Questions About Queen Camilla

King Charles and Queen Camilla will take some well-deserved time off with the upcoming summer break. After the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in September of last year, it goes without saying that the couple has gone through a difficult time.

Charles and Camilla have had a full schedule because of their royal duties. They have taken part in a number of significant events, including “the second coronation” in Scotland and their coronation on May 6.

Naturally, stress often manifests in one’s mood.
The past few months have seen numerous occasions where cameras have caught King Charles getting angry with his wife.
There are rumors that a similar situation took place when Charles was given the Scottish Crown.

The incident was described to the Daily Mirror by Judi James, a body language expert, who also explained how Camilla was offended by Charles’s hand-flick gesture.

On July 5, when they arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland’s St. Saint Giles Cathedral. Even though they weren’t actually crowned, the king was presented with the Honours of Scotland—the crown, scepter, and sword of state—during the service. The Stone of Destiny, a significant symbol of Scottish identity, was also present for the historic event at the cathedral.

The occasion is frequently referred to as “the second coronation” in Scotland. It should be noted that this is more of a symbolic event than a formal coronation.

King’s College London expert George Gross, who specializes in coronations, told AP that “it’s not a coronation. But in the sense that Scotland has a distinct identity, it is highly symbolic. ”.

In the wake of the ceremony at St. St. Giles Cathedral. Before a march back to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the king’s official Scottish residence, the Red Arrows, the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, performed a ceremonial flypast to end the festivities.

In addition to Charles gaining the Scottish Crown, the ceremony itself was covered by the media. Similar to before the coronation in May, King Charles appeared to become very agitated when Camilla didn’t ask for help getting out of their car. The king also made a hand motion that, according to Judy James, a body expert, revealed his mood.

When the king got to St. Giles’ Cathedral, he seemed “impatient,” according to James in an interview with the Mirror. ”.

Because Camilla, William, and Kate nearly equally shared the spotlight with Charles during the ceremony, he seemed more at ease. Charles appeared to be less tense and anxious than he did during his actual coronation, according to Judi James. Additionally, he frequently showed signs of grinning.

But this time, the author writes, “he did seem to fuss and worry about Camilla, and when he did drop the smile and adopt a wary frown with his trademark steepled brows, it was when he was turning back in worry to see her get into and out of their car safely or to move to her seat, which was when he also used some of the rapid hand-flicking gestures that tend to signal royal impatience.”.