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Many people describe Baby Girl as a “monster” and “ugly”. To ensure her survival, her parents were forced to resign from their jobs.

The birth of Batya on January 3 marked the start of 2018. She was born with a rare disease that caused her spine to be twisted and her skull to be deformed. Medical professionals concluded that she was “not compatible with life” and that she had no chance of surviving. But her parents’ unwavering love and commitment proved these predictions wrong.

Naffi and Racheli Goldman supported their daughter Batya and urged her to persevere despite the difficult circumstances she was born into despite great difficulty and struggle.

It was clear from the beginning that Batya’s journey would be miraculous. Early in life, she faced many challenges, but she overcame them with extraordinary bravery and tenacity that motivated those around her. She fought for her life in spite of all the odds and advice from doctors.

Batya’s path was blocked by obstacles because she had to deal with the overwhelming reality of being both blind and deaf. Batya had a hard time just getting by for the first three months of her life.

She underwent six miraculous revivals, each of which increased her strength and fortitude.

Despite going through intense emotional turmoil, Batya Racheli’s pregnant mother bravely shared it. “At the six-month mark, we underwent a routine scan in anticipation of experiencing the typical excitement that every couple experiences as they await the birth of their first child. But as the test started, we realized there was a problem, Rachel recalled.

The doctor shocked the parents by informing them that their child was critically ill and would not survive. It was advised to terminate the pregnancy immediately. Despite learning this heartbreaking truth, Batya’s parents steadfastly stuck with their choice to ignore the doctor’s advice and give their daughter a chance at life.

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Despite challenges and harsh criticism, Naffi and Racheli Goldman maintained their unwavering love and care for their daughter, Batya. They were adamantly committed to their faith and the notion that everything has a deeper significance than we can fathom, so they resisted having the pregnancy ended.

When Batya was born, she was transported right away to the neonatal intensive care unit and put in an incubator. In order to devote all of their attention to raising their daughter, Naffi and Racheli decided to give up their business. They finally brought Batya home after a grueling three and a half months.

We insisted that Batya had a right to the same warmth and love that other kids receive.

She was healthy, and that had no impact.

The difficult and transformative nature of this journey was something we were aware of, said Rachel.

They chose to post images of Batya online, but when they did, they received a barrage of negative remarks. The remarks we received on our photos were abhorrent, Naffi said in shock”.

We never expected to encounter such evil people.

It was disgusting how Batya was treated.

She received “monster” and “ugly” as comments from some people”.

Several people made cruel comparisons while others accused Naffi and Racheli of mistreating their children.

Regardless of the taunts and ongoing difficulties, Naffi and Racheli were devoted parents who never wavered in their dedication. They firmly believed that Batya deserved to be loved, adored, and raised in a nurturing environment just like any other child. Their unwavering commitment to the welfare of their daughter served as a testament to their tenacity and grit.

Naffi and Racheli agreed to provide ongoing oversight and observation because they understood the tremendous responsibility involved in caring for Batya. They resolutely refused to consider any option that would have kept them apart from their cherished daughter and stuck to their resolve to give Batya the best care and comfort they could.

It was decided to use a rotating shift system, with Naffi caring for Batya from noon to midnight and Racheli from noon to midnight.

Naffi and Racheli had to quit their jobs in order to focus on Batya’s needs, so they turned to the GoFundMe website for financial support. To ensure Batya’s continued wellbeing, happiness, and longevity, their page aimed to rally support.

Racheli said, “Please accept our gratitude for any help given, as doing so will enable us to give Batya the attention she deserves. Please think about talking about this with your network.

This sincere appeal was well received by parents around the world who were raising kids who were struggling with the same issues that Batya was. Inspiring and serving as a constant reminder of the unending love that drove their relentless efforts, parents like Naffi and Racheli’s strength and unwavering commitment had a significant impact on their children’s lives.

It serves as a testament to the human spirit’s tenacity and the lengths to which parents will go in order to protect their kids in the face of difficulty.