Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

Mary Ann Bevan’s tragic but fascinating life story.

I’m pleased with our society’s advancements in many ways as of 2022. Sure, some things were better in the past, but if we only look back a few centuries, there were some aspects of daily life that truly belonged in the past.

“Freak shows” were among the most well-liked attractions in the 19th century and were regarded as a regular feature of American culture. In essence, they were mobile circuses that featured “odd” people like Siamese twins and bearded women.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

One of these “odd” individuals, Mary Ann Bevan, earned the title of “Ugliest Woman in the World,” and her remarkable life story and tragic end highlight the importance of never forgetting her.

No matter the era we’re discussing, people have always been fascinated by people of different racial backgrounds or physical prowess; however, putting them on display in public and making money off of them is wrong.

But in the 19th century, audiences flocked to see them. Today, it’s simply unacceptable to treat deformed people as objects of entertainment. The popularity of “freak shows” peaked between the 1840s and the 1940s, and exploitation for profit was not seen as morally wrong at the time. Like everyone else, it is therefore perhaps not so surprising that Mary Ann Bevan’s story starts during this particular period in history. On December 20, 1874, in Plaistow, East London, the United Kingdom, Mary Ann Webster was born. It was typical for working-class families at the time to have veritable swarms of kids. Since there were eight of her siblings—six of them brothers—Mary Ann Webster grew up in a family that included the other seven.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

As her brothers grew older, she sent them off to work to support the family. Mary Ann, however, was given other chances. The stunning brunette graduated from medical school and began working as a nurse in 1894. She had a bright future ahead of her at this time in her life.

She was a lovely young lady with delicate features who lived in London and had a good education. The modern world’s epicenter, this city enjoyed economic prosperity.

Mary Ann married Thomas Bevan in 1902, a year in which she also experienced love. Having four children together during their marriage, the couple was incredibly content. Sadly, though, the good times weren’t to last forever. Thomas passed away from a stroke following 14 years of dating. Mary Ann was devastated, not to mention left by herself with her four kids. Sadly, she was also plagued by other thoughts. Her health had been a problem since shortly after she and Thomas got married, and as the years went by, it only got worse. Mary Ann began displaying acromegaly symptoms at around the age of 32. She must have been terrified as soon as the first symptoms appeared, and sadly, it was difficult for her to find treatment for the uncommon condition.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

Doctors had little knowledge of how to treat acromegaly at the time because it was an unknown illness. In the disorder known as acromegaly, the body overproduces growth hormone, which causes enlarged body tissue and bones. It’s a cruel illness that frequently causes the hands and feet of the sufferer to grow to three times their normal size. In contrast to how the disease typically manifests after puberty, Mary Ann Bevan’s disorder affected her face and manifested later in life. Her face grew larger and more masculine as she struggled against the illness. We now have a lot more knowledge about the illness. For instance, we are aware that up to six in every 100,000 people are impacted. If the condition is discovered in time, it can also be treated. Today’s acromegaly patients, for instance, have life expectancies comparable to those of the general population if they receive the right care at a young age.

Mary Ann Bevan, however, would regrettably not profit from such medical advancements. Instead, the disease had a significant negative psychological and financial impact on her.

The situation wasn’t too bad when she was married to Thomas. Mary Ann received criticism, but she was able to find solace in her husband, and her family provided assistance.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

However, after Thomas passed away, the predicament worsened and Mary Ann found it challenging to support her kids. The condition had severely altered her physical appearance and affected her entire body. In a matter of years, she went from being a beautiful young mother to a dejected, unrecognizably unrecognizable widow. She was no longer wanted for employment because of her altered appearance. Many of her employers were terrified when they saw Mary Ann’s enormous face, and they didn’t want to employ a deformed woman who would draw attention to themselves.

Then, one day, Mary Ann stumbled upon a newspaper advertisement that would forever alter her life. “Wanted: Ugliest woman. There was nothing obscenely deformed or horrifying. Successful applicants can expect good pay and a protracted engagement. send a recent photo. The person behind the advertisement was Claude Bartram. He was a representative for Barnum and Bailey, an American circus. Mary Ann had no choice but to respond to the ad because of her mounting debt and bills.

It was all about providing food for her cherished children; she didn’t do it to become famous or wealthy. Above all else, Mary Ann was a mother. Bartram contacted Mary Ann following the submission of a self-portrait by the latter. Later, the public was well-aware of the images of her.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

But while most people only saw a frightening image of a huge woman, Bartram noticed more. Unnoticed details could be found in Mary Ann’s personality and face. “She wasn’t at all disgusting. She was flawless, healthy, and strong despite having a face resembling that of a giant, with a strong, masculine jaw, prominent cheekbones, a nose, and a forehead. According to Bartram’s later statement to the Daily Star, “She told me she did not like the idea of putting herself on exhibition, she was shy, and she did not want to be parted from her children. “I promised her she would make £10 per week for a year, cover travel costs, and keep all the proceeds from the sale of picture postcards of herself so she could pay for her children’s education. ”.

Mary Ann hesitated before finally deciding. She received a lot of attention at the start of her new career and was so prosperous that she was invited to the Dreamland Circus in Coney Island.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

When Mary Ann traveled by boat across the Atlantic in 1920, she was already well-known when she touched down in New York. In the Big Apple, Mary Ann was dubbed “The Ugliest Woman on Earth,” and she appeared on the front cover of nearly every newspaper. Mary Ann would go on to become a huge star at the Coney Island Circus, which was run by successful Missouri showman Samuel Gumpertz. In competition with bearded women, conjoined twins, and other individuals with various physical disabilities, the newcomer from England outperformed her circus colleagues, and Mary Ann became the main attraction.

Some individuals, however, objected to the circus’s use of human beings as a spectacle. Even in the 19th century, people had strong feelings about using the disabilities of freak show performers for financial gain. Harvey Cushing, a renowned neurosurgeon, intervened and told them to leave Mary Ann alone. The unfortunate woman whose story is far from amusing sits in the Ringling Brothers sideshow “between Fat Lady and Armless Wonder” and “affects white lace hats, woollen mittens, and high laced shoes.”.

He explained in a letter to Time magazine that the once-vigorous and attractive young woman had fallen victim to the illness known as acromegaly. However, regular folks continued to flock to the circus, and the directors made a fortune. Sadly, Mary Ann had a lot to deal with in New York. She was made to dress more masculinely so she would appear more unattractive and unfeminine. She also had to endure jokes and remarks, which undoubtedly diminished her sense of worth.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

However, she was persuaded that it was worthwhile by an advantage. The Daily Star claims that Mary Ann made close to $590,000 while working for the circus. She experienced a lot, but she also became very wealthy. She also offered picture postcards of herself for sale while grinning mechanically. With the money, Mary Ann was able to send her four kids to an English boarding school. A mother’s worst nightmare is undoubtedly leaving her children on another continent, but Mary Ann was forced to do it and ultimately did everything she could to give her children a better future. When you are willing to sacrifice everything for the people you love, that is when you are truly beautiful, as Mary Ann demonstrated.

Mary Ann Bevan's tragic but fascinating life story.

For the remainder of her life, she lived in New York and worked at the Coney Island Dreamland Show. In 1925, she returned to the city to take part in an exhibition in Paris. Natural causes led to Mary Ann’s death in 1933. After Mary Ann passed away, her children carried out her final wish to be buried in her native country, which she had lived to be 59 years old. At this time, she is interred in South London’s Ladywell and Brockley Cemetery.

I don’t know about you, but I respect Mary Ann. Her experience demonstrates the unwavering resolve she possessed to provide for her family. She had to work because there were no benefits like there are now. She was a mother who truly loved her children and gave priority to them over herself.