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Mia Robertson is sobbing Nonstop.

Having learned of the passing of a man who had a significant impact on her life, Missy and Jase Robertson’s Duck Dynasty actors’ daughter Mia Robertson is in mourning this week.

Dr. The previous Saturday, David Genecov, the young patient’s longtime physician, was killed in a car accident.

Missy Robertson announced on Instagram that her daughter Mia had undergone surgery to treat a cleft lip and palate. She listed the accomplishments and medical advancements her husband had made.

As Missy explains, “His caring nature helped calm her (and me), but his unwavering encouragement to both of us that we can do difficult things helped made Mia and I stronger than we could have imagined.

He never stopped telling us we can do hard things, and that made us stronger than we could have ever imagined”.

Her journey has been painstakingly chronicled since Mia Robertson was a young child. She had her 14th procedure, which she hopes will be her final, in July. Her Mia Moo Fund was established so that all kids could experience happiness.

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Missy Robertson claims that Mia was made aware of the situation, and Mia is treating it seriously. Dr. Genecov will always be appreciated by the family for his willingness to include Mia in decision-making processes as well as for his impeccable appearance.

He went above and beyond what we thought he’d do with her cleft. Although we will miss him terribly, we are grateful for the work he did for Mia and all of his cleft lip and palate patients as well as the legacy of medical advancements he leaves behind for future generations”.

Mia hasn’t brought up the incident in any of her recent social media posts. She doesn’t remember anything that occurred prior to meeting Dr. David, her mother continues. “Please keep his family and everyone else affected by his death in your prayers”.