Many subjects in society are boys or girls.
Women are still expected to be able to cook, do laundry, and clean the house, while most men are expected to be able to use tools and play sports. People find it strange and funny that boys and men do things that are considered women’s responsibility.
Michigan mother Nicole Boulogne faced backlash after posting photos of her 7-year-old son cooking and cleaning the house. Many question his parental responsibility and believe that a boy should not do housework or help in the house, because it is a woman’s responsibility.

Nicole is a single mother of two children and does everything she can to instill a sense of independence in them. She takes care of everything in the house, but also believes that children should learn to do things themselves. Because doing so will help her later in life.
Her eldest son just cooks, mows the garden, and washes the dishes. Her other child is still a toddler, but she plans to teach him the same way when he gets older.
When she was asked why she would train her child to do something like that, she answered correctly. “I teach my son how to cook and clean. For what? Housework is not a woman’s privilege.
Because someday he might be a single man who lives on his own, knows how to do laundry, and doesn’t have to order takeout every night. Because someday he might want to surprise his partner with a dinner he prepared himself.
Because if someday he has children and a wife, he will have to take care of the house. Because I will leave behind a generation that complains that their education did not teach them how to cook, do laundry, wear a tie or pay taxes.

Because you need to teach your son how to achieve these goals and become a productive member of society both at home and outside. Because it’s okay to teach your kids life lessons and still let them be kids.
Cooking and chores will never be too “manly” for my son. He’ll be the type of guy who can come in from changing a tire to see how his pot roast is doing.
Who can do his laundry and mow the lawn at the same time? “Keep in mind, parents, that a man who believes he shouldn’t have to cook or do housework was once a youngster who was never taught any better,” she wrote.
Science is clearly on her mother’s side. Children who are permitted to help around the house learn how to take responsibility, take risks, and reach high goals later in life, according to studies.
Nicole, congratulations. We think you’re an excellent mother.
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