Nanny Faye Chrisley is keeping us in the loop about her fight against bladder cancer

On Savannah Chrisley’s Unlocked podcast, nanny Faye Chrisley opened up about her recent battle with bladder cancer.

Although she is undergoing treatment, the 79-year-old said she is doing well with a positive attitude and will overcome the difficult times. His determination comes from going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

Finally, Nannie Faye said that we should always try our best and be strong, even if life plays tricks on us sometimes. Savannah called her grandmother, who is currently battling cancer, a “champion” who kept her spirits up despite the odds.

He said that even after chemotherapy, his nanny, Fay, went to the casino the next day. The Chrisleys face many challenges, including Julie and Todd being convicted of tax fraud and Faye being left without a primary caregiver.

Savannah raised a serious issue before Nanny Faye agreed it was too painful. Despite these challenges, Faye was able to rely on Julie for emotional and physical support during her bladder cancer treatment. Julie attended all his meetings.

Todd Chrisley announced on the Chrisley Confessions podcast in June 2022 that his mother was diagnosed with bladder cancer in the fall of 2021. They planned to keep her diagnosis a secret, but felt the need to share the news to show that no one is immune to adversity.

Todd prayed daily for his mother’s recovery and respected her age and her fight for life. Nanny Faye’s condition is unknown, but she may have bladder cancer, a disease that disproportionately affects adults over 55.

According to the American Cancer Society, 90% of bladder cancer patients are over 55 years old. Bladder cancer is more common in older people and can have fatal consequences for those affected.