Navigating relationships? Here’s a guide to things you should avoid saying to your significant other.

You take great pride in having an honest and open relationship. It doesn’t follow, however, that you should just spout off whatever comes to mind. Sometimes a remark you think is completely innocent can be hurtful, awkward, or just plain annoying to your boyfriend. Although you two are obviously close, there are some topics that unintentionally cause the romance to quickly end.

regarding his parents, how you really feel.

Simply avoid going there. Just refrain. Although he is well aware that his mother is a tyrannical nightmare, he will still defend her if you make the obvious point.

your star crush.

Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum are SO HOT, as even your guy can attest. However, bringing it up in front of him will only make him feel guilty. or resentful. In either case, you want to avoid dealing with it.

how much time it took you to get ready.
Keeping some aspects of your life hidden is one way to maintain the chemistry in your relationship. Keep your preparation for the date a secret. You want your man to pay attention to the outcome rather than the entire process.

Almost anything involving bodily concerns.

Men always tell me how annoying it is when their girlfriends comment on how something makes them look fat. Men find it difficult to relate to this and are unsure of how to respond. Shake it off even if you think you’re having a bad day for your thighs.
Plus, having confidence makes you look hotter.

specifics about your period.

If you and your boyfriend don’t feel comfortable having period sex, you can tell him it’s that time of the month. However, avoid talking about bloating or how you feel when Bloody Mary comes to town.

“My ex did the same thing!” you exclaimed.
Your boyfriend doesn’t want to hear that he reminds you of your ex, whether it’s a desirable resemblance (they both hold the door open) or a less desirable one (neither texts frequently enough). Ever. You don’t want him to think that you’re constantly contrasting the two of them, do you?

Think about it: Do you really want him to think that he behaves in other ways exactly like your ex? or the reverse. He might also believe that you are still fixated on your ex. This kind of remark will undoubtedly lower his self-esteem in either case. Keep it to yourself the next time you have a boyfriend deja-vu.

Anything and everything related to an ex-boyfriend or ex-lover should be kept out of your present-day conversations. Simply put, it’s an uncomfortable subject, and no man enjoys learning about the past. Consider how much we find it offensive when guys tell us about their psychotic ex-partners. Because it happened in the past, you don’t want to do it again.

“Do you think she’s pretty?”.
Your boyfriend realizes he can’t win when you pose a question like this. You’ll likely feel envious and angry if he answers “yes.”. What a loaded question to follow up with: “Is she prettier than me?”.

Of course, you’ll call him a liar if he replies “no” (despite the fact that she is undeniably attractive). Even as you reassure him that you don’t mind if he says “yes,” you’ll wonder what else he’s lying about. “.

“I’ll give anything a shot!”.
Don’t raise his hopes unless you truly, truly, truly mean it.

“Are you certain you’re alright?”.

Despite the countless times he has assured you that he is fine. ).

When our guy behaves strangely—quietly, often—it catches us off guard. We’ll poke and prod, hoping to get to the bottom of their problem (and far too often, we’re almost positive it’s something we’ve done), when there might not even be a specific cause.

Men can experience bad moods, fatigue, or a general lack of motivation to talk on any given day. They are only people, or so we’d like to believe. (As difficult as it may be, try not to overthink it. While you wait for him to get over it, give him some space and keep yourself busy.

The only truthful response you will receive from him when you ask him repeatedly what is bothering him is, “YOU!”.

issuing threats of death all the time.
Nobody wants to be warned that they will leave if they don’t make things right. No amount of persuasion will persuade him to change. You don’t want to use desperate measures like giving him ultimatums, which can be seen as childish. Ultimatums put people on the defensive and force them into a corner. It also puts a lot of pressure on the two of you.

You should reflect on why you feel the need to make such demands. Your relationship may be the only thing you feel you have control over, so is that a form of control? This behavior will have a negative impact and may lead to your partner digging his heels in even further and no changes being made. Or else, he might actually tell you to leave by calling your bluff. Ouch!

Just leave it, I’ll handle it myself.

We all have established routines for how we conduct ourselves, but before you say these things, consider the root of your annoyance. Let’s say your boyfriend is loading the dishwasher, but you think he’s taking too long and that he should be rinsing the plates first. Now, these are minor issues because the dishwasher is being loaded and he is assisting around the house as a result.

Men like to feel like the provider, so it will be detrimental if you treat him in any way that is demeaning. Given that you have chosen to assume the role of superwoman at this time, he might wonder what his responsibilities are around the house. No one can have everything. You want him to assist you, but you complain and mutter the aforementioned phrase when he does.
Choose a side now!

“I wear a size 7 ring, a size 28 pant, prefer silver to gold, and have a cashmere allergy.”.
He won’t likely contact you again.