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Nobody in the delivery room can speak after this historic pregnancy.

The couple acknowledged that they simply lacked the means to support more children.

But from the moment she discovered she was pregnant, Oksana knew she was having more than one child. She couldn’t help but notice that there was a change.

In our family, twins had never been born. Oksana claims to the German news organization Heftig, “I was sure I would never experience anything like this.”. But this was just the beginning; there was still a bigger surprise in store. Facebook/Odessafive Oksana noticed the doctor scowling as she walked into the ultrasound room for her appointment. She soon received some incredible news.

He then muttered something along the lines of, “You deserve to have a big house by the sea…,” which I overheard. It’s difficult to decide. In actuality, Oksana was carrying five kids.

For Oksana and Sergey, things weren’t all smiles, though. It “almost felt like a nightmare, as though I would wake up at any moment,” as Oksana put it. ”.

Because they knew they would have to rethink every aspect of their future plans, she and her husband worried uncontrollably. “It takes time to process the news of this nature. How would we manage to care for so many children, the wife’s husband, Sergey, asks.

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She was treated “like she was made of porcelain,” according to Oksana, who makes this claim. Facebook/Odessafive To give birth to her five children—three boys and two girls—Oksana underwent a C-section. Given the serious risks involved with this kind of pregnancy, the doctors were prepared for the worst. But once it was all over, the doctors confirmed that five healthy, happy babies had been delivered, albeit a little prematurely.

The infants are currently three years old.

The birth was historic because the infants were the first quintuplets ever to be born in Ukraine, according to The Mirror.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019, saw a post from Odessa Five.

Oksana and Sergey appear to be up for the challenge of looking after such a large family.

Everywhere they go, people are enthralled by the babies and enthusiastically stop to greet them.

Odessa Five posted something on Tuesday, April 9, 2019.

With assistance from the neighborhood government, the family recently moved into a bigger apartment.

On her Instagram page, Oksana frequently shares pictures of their “five treasures” and the endearing quintuplets’ big sister.

They’re so cute, aren’t they?

Even though things didn’t exactly go as planned for this family, I’m sure they’ll be okay because they have so much love in their lives and the help of thousands of total strangers.

“Когда 37-летняя Оксана узнала, что снова ждет ребенка, она была очень рада. Her father, ере ксаna, accompanied her on the trip. Odessa Five posted this on January 1st, 2020.

For us to be able to wish this lovely family the best in the future, we would appreciate it if you could “like” and “share” this picture.