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One high school student took off his helmet and picked up a guitar since the national anthem wasn’t being played.

The outstanding performance of The Star-Spangled Banner is one of the few performances that actually causes heart palpitations.

Inquire of anyone who saw Jackson Dean Nicholson play defensive end his senior year at Maryland’s Arundel High School.

The way he sang the national anthem before the game is what we are referring to, not his performance during it. It has impressed countless local and online viewers over the years. He could have either allowed the audience to sing the song or allowed the school to play a tape over the speakers.

Nicholson is undoubtedly made of a different substance, regardless of what is said. The acoustic guitar and a microphone were all the high school student carried as he went alone to the field before the game.

It is not surprising that the video went viral and repeatedly reappeared because he gave one of the best performances of the American national anthem we have ever heard right away.

The fact that the song’s 2018 original upload is still striking and pertinent today is proof that Nicholson sings beautifully.

It was awesome, Nicholson remarked to the Baltimore Sun at the time, “I probably knew 90% of the people in those stands, and they didn’t know I was doing it until I pulled my guitar out. ”.

The stunning performance was as follows:

Nicholson’s main passion is music, despite the fact that he appeared to be a senior defensive end for his five minutes of fame. Since he was a freshman, he has been writing songs and performing them, and right before going viral, he was finishing up his album.

Jack Nicholson is already a fairly well-known actor, so choosing Jackson Dean as his stage name was a wise decision.

Jackson said in 2018: “After this year, I’ll be finished” in reference to his football career. Because I’ll have earned all of my required credits by January, I only need to enroll for this semester. My principal granted me a waiver, and she approves of what I did.

“I’m going to try it”.

Jackson, good luck to you!

Jackson’s presentation astounds us and deserves to be seen by as many people as is prudent.

Please spread the word about this article if you agree that Jackson’s attempt was a success!