Pope Francis to Undergo Intestinal Surgery at a Hospital in Rome.

Pope Francis will have intestinal surgery, requiring a lengthy recovery period, the Vatican has announced. It is anticipated that the Holy Father will eventually recover his health despite the difficult procedure.

The 86-year-old Pope was admitted to A for treatment of the ongoing, upsetting, and deteriorating symptoms brought on by an abdominal hernia. After completing the standard medical examinations in Rome, Gemelli University Hospital.

The surgical procedure will be carried out while the patient is asleep, according to the Vatican. The revered Pontiff moved from the large audience to A without stopping.

A laparotomy and plastic surgery using a prosthesis on the abdominal wall will be performed on him at Gemelli University Hospital in the early afternoon, according to a Vatican statement.

In St. Peter’s sq., during the customary general audience, Pope Francis showed off his renowned sense of humor, according to The New York Times. Paul’s sq..

The Vatican has guaranteed that his stay at the hospital will last for a number of days in order to guarantee a typical postoperative course and full functional recovery.

According to the Associated Press, the Pontiff was given antibiotics intravenously while being treated at the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital.

According to the website, Francis amusingly responded when asked about his health as he left the hospital, “Still alive, you know.”. The Pope answered in the affirmative when asked how he was doing.

Pope Francis visited Policlinico A recently due to respiratory issues, according to a statement from the Vatican’s Matteo Bruni, according to CNN. For use in medical evaluations, gemelli.

Bronchitis caused him to end up in the hospital later on. The test results, according to the spokesman, not only excluded COVID-19 infection but also revealed a respiratory condition that required several days of appropriate hospital treatment.

The Pope acknowledged the importance of the numerous messages he had received and expressed his gratitude for the prayers and support he had received.

According to reports, the Pope gave a speech at his regular weekly general audience in St. Peter’s sq. before being admitted to the hospital for the respiratory infection. Pietro sq.. Later, the Vatican clarified that he was taken to the hospital for “previously scheduled tests. “.