Sadly, we recently discovered that killing a house centipede can actually be a risky decision. There may be a strong urge to remove anything that resembles a centipede from your home.

why if you find a house centipede inside your home you should never kill it.
Source: Flickr Centipedes frequently inhabit dim, humid environments. Almost everyone would want to flee from them or kill them as soon as they are found, which is frequently in a bathroom or basement. One of centipedes’ advantages as pest-control agents is that they possess some of the traits that make them so terrifying to handle. Because they move quickly and nimbly, centipedes are helpful in insect warfare.

why, if you find one inside your home, you should never kill it.
Source: Flickr With its many legs and quick movements, a centipede is a scary thing to find in your bathroom in the middle of the night. Your home will seem less scary if there are fewer roaches, spiders, and ants there. Centipedes are almost certain to assist in the control of additional pest problems due to their voracious appetite and capacity to consume all of these insects. However, some individuals might still desire to get rid of the bugs. Lowering the humidity and putting centipedes in glass containers are two methods for getting rid of them in your home. By being placed in an area with moist rocks or soil, a captured centipede can be released back into the wild and carry out its intended function.

why if you find a house centipede inside your home you should never kill it.
House centipedes are not venomous, and they are not even able to bite human skin, unlike their relatives. The small prey that they are so good at destroying can only suffer from their meager venom production. READ EVERYWHERE.