Talk about a lucky find! An employee at Goodwill discovers a donated sweater valued at $42,000 and does the right thing by returning it.

A truly admirable person, this. A Goodwill employee in Oklahoma finds $42,000 in a given sweatshirt and promptly returns it.

The best course of action is always to be honest, as demonstrated by a Goodwill employee from Oklahoma who upheld the reputation of her employer.

Andrea Lessing mistook two worn-out sweaters for books as she sorted through items at her Norman Goodwill store. But as she focused her gaze, she discovered a sizable sum of cash concealed inside.

Alessa initially believed the stacks of envelopes containing $100 bills to be fakes. She was shocked to learn that the bills did not amount to $42,000.

Giving to those in need is how people naturally express their compassion and love for those who are less fortunate. In this line of work, honesty and ethics are essential, particularly when items are accidentally donated.

Although finding money in donated goods is common, the staff insisted they had never seen anything of this magnitude.

Alessa requested that the manager return the money to its original owner because she firmly believes in karma.

The honest worker and her organization were able to find the rightful owner of the funds by looking into the documentation details pertaining to the donors.

The owner, who wished to remain unidentified, handed Alessa a $1,000 reward for her bravery after returning the money. This exemplifies the potency of karma and the regularity of generosity’s return.