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The couple froze when the doctor said “I’m sorry” because they were expecting identical twins.

The excitement of becoming a parent can be related to anyone who has ever done so. Therefore, expecting two at once may naturally be more stressful. It’s safe to say that Matt and Jodi Parry’s emotions were multiplied by two when they learned they were having twins. The couple, who already had a son, eagerly awaited the arrival of the other two angels. But as soon as their doctor called them into his office and uttered those dreadful two words, “I’m sorry, they quickly went from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety”.

Matt and Jodi Parry were shocked to learn that their prematurely born twins, Abigail and Isobel, had Down’s syndrome. But when he broke the news, the doctor hardly displayed professional behavior. According to Jodi, it was decided that his punishment would be a “lifetime.”.

She acknowledged, “I didn’t feel like a mom that day.”. “I simply felt disoriented and uncertain. The likelihood of having twins who are both affected by Down syndrome is one in a million, it was explained to Matt and Jodi.

Sadly, the parents didn’t receive much help or guidance on how to care for infants with Down syndrome. Nobody ever mentioned to the parents that their family of five could live happily and normally, just like everyone else, but that was possible. At first, Jodi and Matt experienced a great deal of fear. They didn’t know when their daughters would start talking, walking, or even starting going to school. In an effort to gather as much information as they could, the family parted ways. When it came to Abigail and Isobel, those who knew them best showed them all the love in the world, despite the fact that others may have felt sorry for them and their family.

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Even today, I’ll never find out for what he felt regret. We wouldn’t change Abigail and Isobel for the world right now, Jodi continues, “but if I could see him again, I’d like to show him Abigail and Isobel and ask why did you say sorry. ”.

YouTube Five years later, the girls have shown how entirely mistaken both the doctor and every other prejudiced person in their immediate vicinity were. Every person, whether or not they have a syndrome, deserves a chance in life, as demonstrated by Abigail and Isobel. See this family for yourself!

Learn more about the Parry family by watching the video below on YouTube.

For many years and in many locations around the world, some have forced some people to try to disappear, forgetting and hiding them merely because of a diagnosis. But people with Down’s syndrome ought to enjoy the same opportunities and liberties as everyone else — like and share if you agree! Published by Newsner, please like.