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The pit bull guarded its prized secret without ceasing, even after being tied to a tree and left to perish.

The reputation of pit bulls is among the worst of all dog breeds.

They are frequently portrayed incorrectly as being violent, dangerous, and ticking time bombs.

These labels, however, have been applied by prejudiced individuals. If they ever had the chance to meet a pit bull, these same people would never forget their enormous heart.

Pit bulls are typically loving, loyal dogs.

Continue reading if you don’t believe me.

The abandoned ruins of Pitbull Lara were discovered close to the Greek port city of Nafplion.

Lara’s owner abandoned the dog tethered to a tree in the middle of nowhere without giving her any food or water.

Lara was left alone and terrified of what lay ahead.

Even worse, despite the fact that they knew Lara was chained to a tree in the woods, the locals avoided her because of her breed.

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It was unclear how long the poor dog had been chained to the tree.

The story goes on because Lara was expecting a child.

While lost and terrified in the wilderness, she gave birth to four adorable puppies.

Despite having insufficient food, Lara was able to take care of her puppies for ten agonizingly long days until her rescuers discovered her.

Though no one in the hamlet wanted to adopt or care for her, Lara was reported to an organization that supports animals. The group came across a chained dog in distress in the woods.

When rescuers arrived on the scene, they discovered an extremely malnourished and dehydrated dog named Lara.

They were even more horrified to see her infants playingfully leaping about.

Lara had been tethered to a tree, but she had done a great job of keeping an eye on, guarding, and feeding the group. The maternal instinct comes to mind.

Despite their mother’s best efforts, the five puppies fought valiantly for ten days, and the smallest puppy eventually lost the battle.

But thanks to their resilient mother, the other four puppies survived.

The crew, who had earlier saved the dogs, eventually placed Lara and her puppies in a foster home.

Lara took care of the four puppies when Linda from The Orphan Pet intervened to assist her.

Despite being saved and living a happy life with Linda, Lara had grown timid and wary of her new owner. The terrified mother dog also refused to eat.

Over time, though, Lara came to understand that Linda was there to support her, which allowed her to relax and begin to feel more at home in her new surroundings.

Right now, the family is doing well. The fact that the tale had a happy conclusion is wonderful, isn’t it?

Despite the fact that any breed of dog has the capacity to be a devoted and loving friend, Lara’s tenacity and loyalty are truly exceptional.

Please continue to honor this brave mother dog and the people who took the time to save her and her puppies!