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The teacher learns the heartbreaking secret of the triplets after they refuse to speak to anyone else in class.

When Haley, Kassidy, and Sierra arrived at Valley High School in Las Vegas, they didn’t appear to care about attending classes.

The triplets reacted defensively to adults who held positions of power over them, including teachers, counselors, and other adults. They stayed in touch, frequently missed class, and got bad grades.

Instead of rejecting the triplets, Valley High School’s GEAR UP program welcomed them.

One of the federal government’s provisions of the Higher Education Act, the GEAR UP program aids low-income students in learning, becoming motivated, and preparing for success in postsecondary education.

The triplets worked with the GEAR UP team as far as they felt comfortable.

And finally they revealed their terrible predicament, which was even worse than anyone could have imagined.

When the triplets were only three years old, their mother passed away. Since they were in sixth grade, their father had been incarcerated.

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Haley, Kassidy, and Sierra frequently went without food after relocating to live with their grandmother. They didn’t start going until they were eight years old because their mother didn’t believe in education.

They returned to live with their father after his release from jail. But for days at a time, he would abandon the little girls.

The daughters were finally taken from their father’s custody after a shooting occurred inside their home while he was away.

The triplets settled in with their cold-hearted grandparents. For a period of their lives, the triplets were unable to access housing, food, clothing, or transportation.

However, the GEAR UP instructors worked with the girls to help them get over losing both of their parents and being homeless.

Then, things started to significantly improve.

The girls persisted and put in the work required to complete high school!

While participating in extracurricular activities, completing challenging coursework, and working as “unaccompanied minors,” all three of the girls managed to keep their GPAs above 3.00. ”.

But things didn’t end there.

During the commencement ceremony, the FOX5 Surprise Squad entered and startled the female graduates.

The FOX5 Surprise Squad attended their wedding covertly because of their remarkable survival story.

In the video below, the Yeckes Triplets are separated after receiving their degrees. and in front of the entire school, the best surprise gift ever is given to them.

While both of their parents were away, the Yeckes Triplets overcame being left behind and being homeless.

I’m hoping for them to experience even greater blessings because this is such a wonderful story.

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