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Time Has Taught Me Ten Lessons.

We spend the majority of our lives chasing and worshipping false ideals. You begin to truly live once you come to terms with that.

Nobody can be appeased, under any circumstances.

The people you love should come last; please yourself first. Everybody is too focused on satisfying themselves.

It’s like trying to catch the wind, trying to slow down the aging process. Accept it and take pleasure in it. Despite having changed over time, your body is still undergoing change. Rather than spending time trying to undo it, shift your perspective to appreciate the beauty of the new.

No one is perfect, and nobody is content with how their life has turned out. Once you understand this, you are free from comparison and criticism. You are freed by it.

Your errors are visible to everyone, but your accomplishments are hidden from view. Once you realize this, you’ll begin to act with the proper intentions and enjoy yourself much more.

The sooner you accept the physical body that your spirit is housed in, the better. You’ll look back on those years of disliking your appearance with regret. Your body may be magnificent and significant, but it does not entirely capture who you are.

Despite the value of your health, worrying, stressing, and being under stress are far more detrimental than any deprivation of a tasty food or drink.

The best treatments are joy and peace.

As you get older, it’s more important to think about who and what people will remember about you. More than any material possession you can leave behind, your love and wisdom will endure for a very long time. Share your experiences because you never know how powerful they may be.

Even though we are only in this place temporarily, fighting the wind can feel like a life sentence. Life should feel more like an adventure than a chore.

Use the items you have been saving for “the best” and sip fine champagne at all times. Nobody is promised a tomorrow. We call today “the present” because it is a gift. ”. Eat, drink, and have fun.