Tragic accidents, cancer treatments, and other illnesses can take children from their parents, which is a painful reality.
This 6-year-old Leland Shoemake story will take you on an emotional journey, so grab some tissues before you read it.
Leland Shoemake, 6, was an ordinary young boy from Williamson, Georgia. Those who knew him will always remember his contagious joy, keen intellect, and creative energy.
After their young son passes away from a brain infection, his parents find a heartbreaking letter he left for them.
He knew his ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, and 20 sight words by the time he was a year old. We adored that he was our little nerd. He cherished attending class and picking up new knowledge. ”.
His mother, Amber Shoemake, posted on social media that he liked documentaries, the history channel, the weather channel, and anything important in history.
However, Leland’s fate had other ideas, and if events had turned out differently, we might not have been aware of him.
Leland suddenly became ill in 2015, and he was taken to the hospital right away. He was rapidly losing health, and the medical professionals soon discovered that he had an amoebic brain infection from Balamuthia mandrillaris. It’s possible that while Leland was playing outside, the bacteria was exposed to him. However, nobody was certain of how he acquired it.

Mr. Mr. Dot Shoemake enjoyed digging in the dirt, according to a Facebook post by Dot Shoemake”, she continued.
“I never imagined that would be the thing dividing us”.
Leland’s illness puzzled the doctors, and they thought at first meningitis might be the cause. Further testing revealed an amebic infection in his brain.
He has suffered from excruciating headaches, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness, according to his mother’s post on the family’s GoFundMe page. He can’t focus on anything right now without moving his eyes or experiencing double vision because his eyes are crossed”.
Despite Leland’s heroic efforts, the battle was lost on September 25, 2015.
When his parents left the hospital, where they had said their final goodbyes to their beloved son, they were overcome by waves of grief. They were so upset that they couldn’t help but look at something on the family’s coffee table in the living room.
Leland had continued his cherished tradition of leaving his parents with one last heartfelt note.
Please read the message, parents.
I’m still with you.
He also included a red heart with the words “mom,” “dad,” and “love” inside.
The significance and solace it must have provided the grieving parents during such a terrible time is almost incomprehensible. Their tragic loss was made a little easier by Leland’s note, which served as a somber reminder of their shared love and connection.
His mother said, “We had no idea when he wrote it, but you can tell he was always a special child.”. ”.
Below you will find a complete account from The Leland Shoemake Foundation.
“Hi, I’m Amber.
I worked hard to shield Leland and keep him safe. Playing in the mud was his one and only favorite pasttime. I never thought that would be what distinguished me from him. He dominated my entire world. He made me, and he made me a mother as well. We fought so hard to get him. He was a screaming, healthy baby who was born prematurely. He had intelligence from the start. He already knew his ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, and 20 sight words when he turned a year old. We adored that he was our little nerd. He cherished attending class and picking up new knowledge.
He was a huge fan of historical subjects, documentaries, the history channel, and the weather channel. He enjoyed researching topics like the Second World War and famous ships like the Titanic. He had no flaws. The Jaws film was his favorite. He believed Steven Spielberg to be the ideal director. Adam Sandler, a well-known actor, was one of his friends. He cherished his family dearly, especially his brother.
He attended many lively gatherings.
His smile could light up an entire city. He was the most informed, considerate, and caring youngster I’ve ever met”.
He was given the opportunity to significantly alter the course of history. Leland is the reason we have so many friends in this county. He never met a stranger and always had a kind word. This was the only thing I had to worry about. Nobody should ever be made to bury their child against their will. I’ve insisted on going first because I don’t think I’m strong enough to handle this, and I want to go first. ”.
“I don’t believe it to be true, still. ”.
I can still picture the comments he would make and the movie quotes he would use as I sit here. Uncertain and perplexed, just like “check ya later” in the movie. Alternatively, the Jaws quote “You’re gonna need a bigger boat. ”. Or any of the many Billy Madison quotes that he would use. ”.
He was our family’s soul and source of happiness.
I can’t wait to see his adorable face and hear his sweet voice once more, and I’m counting down the minutes.
The note was on the coffee table in the living room when Tim and I first arrived home to collect his clothing to be buried in. Even though we don’t know exactly when he wrote it, it is obvious that he was a remarkable child from the start”.
The worst thing that can happen to a parent is to have to bury their child. We want to continue sharing Leland’s story in order to ensure that he is never forgotten, despite the indescribable suffering.
We should all enjoy each day because we can never tell when things will change drastically. As the admirable young man he was, let’s keep him in our memories.