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With her brother’s hand firmly in hers, the UGA senior “drew her last breath,” ending her six-week battle with a brain tumor.

Liza Burke breathed her last while being tightly held by her brother, who was sleeping next to her. She would never again experience waking up.

International media has taken notice of the story of Liza, a stunning 21-year-old University of Georgia senior who last-minutely planned a trip to Cabo for 53 friends’ pre-graduation spring break. She suffered a brain bleed while there, and it was later found that she had a dangerous malignant brain tumor. She had previously made one last journey.

Her mother, Laura McKeithen, said that until she passed away on April 28, “her brother slept on the sofa and held her hand all night long.”. Jack held her hand as she took her final breath.

Liza’s mother, 55, who says her daughter “lived it large,” “extremely real, and shamelessly herself,” offers the following advice: “Don’t waste time worrying about stupid things. Take the risk”.

That served as Liza’s compass and motivated her to explore the world.

Liza sent her mother photos of herself doing handstands on the beach, sailing, and cliff diving while she was on vacation in Cabo. The group huddled together, singing, and shared stories of her last night around a bonfire on the beach. After working out with her lover the following morning, she skipped breakfast early and informed her friends that she was suffering from a blinding headache. When she went to her room to take a nap, someone later discovered her unconscious in bed.

Liza was bleeding from the brain when doctors in Mexico found her. They thought she might have an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) that had ruptured, so they amputated a portion of her skull to stop the bleeding. Liza’s mother flew to be with her, drove her to the Mayo Clinic from Florida after bringing her back. She was found to have an aggressive and malignant brainstem tumor after the doctors ruled out an AVM.

The ventilator was taken out of Liza’s mouth when she first awoke from sedation, Laura recalled. Although Laura insisted that she was fine, they were worried that she wouldn’t be able to breathe on her own.

Liza had trouble falling asleep because the tumor was stressing the part of her brain that kept her awake.

Her mother claimed that when she was awake, she would move her toes or squeeze my hand to make noises. Liza, are you scared?” I asked her after asking her a number of other questions, but she didn’t grab my hand.

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Liza began the daily radiation treatment that was supposed to last six weeks, and as her condition improved, she was able to spend a few more days with her loved ones.

In addition to trying to walk, she was also peddling a bike.

But a few days later, medical professionals discovered she had a recent brain bleed.

Discussions with her medical team began because of Liza’s contagious spirit and her mother’s desire to avoid another intubation.

If Liza’s headaches from her freshman year of college were precursors to the brain tumor and if they had been detected earlier, Laura wondered. Was her daughter going to be okay?

Laura remembered asking the oncologist Liza’s question, “Do you think things could have been different if we had caught this when she first told me that she thought there was something wrong in her head?”.

The woman’s furnished room was “full, full, full, full of pictures of her and her friends,” the doctor observed as he took a look around. “Well, I can tell you one thing for sure: She wouldn’t have all of these pictures,” he said. ”. Then, he allegedly told Laura, “We would eventually be exactly where we are now”.

Laura had to look for a place where she felt confident that her daughter would be happy after the family learned that the treatment was failing and suggested hospice care.

Her mother recalled thinking that she would want to be somewhere lovely, where she could be with her friends and family and everyone could celebrate her, and she could be outside and enjoy the beach or the mountains. ”.

Following checking with the owners to make sure they were okay with it being used for hospice care, Laura chose an Airbnb near the water and rented it for a month. On April 19, Liza and her immediate family moved into the home; friends and grandparents frequently dropped by.

Liza was awake at that moment, but she was speechless. According to Laura, her child would wiggle her toes in addition to making “a little gesture with her mouth or her eyelids”.

Everyone turned out for the April 27 premiere of Matthew McConaughey and Jessica Chastain’s film Interstellar.

Following the film, Laura explained to her bedroom why she had made the choice she had. She said, “I knew if I were with her, I would probably drive her crazy, staring at her and squeezing her hand and squeezing her toes and kissing her. ”.

Liza passed away at around 2:00 a.m. On Friday night.

was cuddling up in bed with her brother Jack.

Liza sighed and passed into the subsequent dimension after taking her final breath. “Liza has now been reunited with her sister, and they are making up for lost time,” Laura continued. Edie, Liza’s older sister, passed away in 2008 as a result of the uncommon genetic disorder MPS1, which she had.

Laura, who was heartbroken, expressed her feelings in an online journal by writing, “If I could, I would hang onto Liza and follow her”.

As a class assignment from her final year of high school, Liza’s letter to her future self had been delivered to Laura’s mailbox on May 2. Following the students’ graduation from college, the teacher assured them that she would mail the letters. On May 12, 2023, Liza will receive her diploma.

That was lovely. Laura remarked, “She did it all.”. I’ll read from it at my memorial”.

Laura will disperse Liza’s ashes, possibly some in Mexico and some in the mountains. Libby was buried in the cremation rites.

She continued to live despite the cancer taking her life. Laura had vivid memories of her daughter as a strong, brave, independent, and joyful young lady. She was a person.

To fully savor each day is her legacy. She should have let everyone know what a good life she led. I aspire to have her level of success in life. ”.

For the Liza and Edie Burke Education Fund, her mother is asking for donations in order to “honor two sisters and the genuine, dynamic, playful, and fierce way they gave back to the world. ”.

Because Liza was so young and had such a bright future, her passing is very tragic. We send our condolences to the family during this difficult time, especially Laura, who lost her second daughter.