Zoe Ball Opens Up About New Health Challenge at 52

During a conversation with musician Billy Joel this week, actress Zoe Ball was open and honest about her menopause symptoms.

The 74-year-old music legend made the joke that he no longer enjoyed looking in the mirror because of his advanced age, and Zoe added that she also has trouble seeing herself in the mirror, saying: “My eyesight has gone with menopause, I can’t see myself, it’s great. “.

Loss of vision is a common symptom of menopause, and because hormone levels can fluctuate and cause dry eyes, it’s also possible that vision can change. Approximately 61 percent of menopausal individuals experience dry, itchy eyes, according to the Society for Women’s Health Research.

Several times, Zoe has discussed her menopause experience, which started when she was 46, along with many other well-known women.

The interview was going well, but suddenly I could feel it coming, she recalled to The Observer in 2021, while speaking with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro.

“This extreme heat. You become quite red and it’s somewhat damp. The intense heat in the small space caused my glasses to steam up and slide down my nose.

“And I could see Al Pacino looking at me in a way that seemed to be encouraging me to finish the question, which by this point had no point because I was already on fire. “.

In 2020, Zoe shared that she had gone through a range of emotions while speaking with actress Tamzin Outhwaite.

This is not the first time that Zoe has discussed the emotional side effects of menopause.

“Just stop me on the list here,” she bemoaned, “there’s’meno madness,’ you get rage, you get sobbing, you get heat, you get terrible anxiety, you pile on the hormonal pounds.

Water retention, which results in swollen legs, is another menopause issue that Zoe has discussed.

Sufferers of water retention may experience fatigue, stiffness, and bloating in addition to discomfort and irritability.

Zoe shared her struggles with water retention on Instagram, writing: “Been struggling with my menopause weight gain and water retention and all sorts.

attempting to establish a healthier routine. I’ve been learning a lot about vitamins, teas, diets, and ways to deal with menopause mania; I’ll keep sharing any discoveries I make. “.