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After placing an “offensive” sign in their window, a liquor store in Oklahoma sparked debate.

It is getting easier and easier to believe that today, anyone can find something to be offended by. Although it may be a stretch to call this generation the “snowflake generation,” there is a palpable sense of change at present.

In some cases, this is advantageous because some practices that were once accepted as commonplace are now unacceptable in contemporary society. Other times, though, one can’t help but feel that our desire to police one another is excessive.

After placing a sign that caused shock, one Oklahoma liquor store ended up at this intersection.

We all need to live in a world free from prejudice, scorn, and harassment, but I think we can all agree that there is a difference between getting rid of truly awful things and acting upset for effect.

For anything they say or do online, people are frequently “outed.”. This was discovered by Midwest Wine and Spirits in Oklahoma after they put a sign in their window that read, “Pull your pants up or don’t come in. “Becoming the contentious center of an internet storm only takes a few clicks.

Try to be decent and respectful of others, the sign advised. Nobody wants to wear your underwear.

On the surface, it doesn’t seem like it would be that bad. They do not specifically criticize any group or practice discrimination based on political, religious, or other beliefs.

Nevertheless, a few groups found the sign and the store’s belief that they had the authority to tell others what they could and couldn’t wear offensive.

The sign was promptly uploaded to the internet, enabling online discussion. They continued on after that as well.

Sources claim that the spectacle became widely known very quickly. Chad Gilbert, one of the store managers, supported the sign by stating, “I realize wearing pants low is a fashion statement for some, but it doesn’t work for me, and I find it somewhat offensive.”.

One store employee said, “Usually, when people come in with their pants sagging, it is easier for them to steal bottles.

Sunshine Weatherby, a local client, said, “I can see if it was like a church. Since this is a liquor store, the families who frequent it might annoy you. Something worse has happened in a liquor store.

Please share your thoughts in the comments section about whether you believe the liquor store was wrong to post the sign or whether people are exaggerating the situation.

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