On Facebook, “Dreamcatchers for Abused Children” shared a sneak glimpse at a youngster who had everyone around the globe in tears.
The mission of this organization is to provide care and support for kids who have experienced abuse of any kind in their families.
The removal of maltreated children from their homes and placement in an institution where they can receive care, support, and understanding.

The young children then search for an adoptive family to care for them and love them unconditionally so that they can have calm, abuse-free lives.
He is from Oklahoma, and his biological parents have molested him. The youngster was maltreated and starved for a number of years by both of his alcoholic parents.
The boy was excluded from the joys of childhood and the wonderful experiences appropriate for his age.
After the neighbors notified the police, the boy was taken from his original parents and placed in the care of “Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.”
While the boy was still looking for a home to give him a normal life, the organization’s volunteers quickly located an adopted family for him.
The child wrote a letter to his new adoptive family explaining his wishes for his new home after discovering that he will be adopted by them.
This is a wish list for a foster child in Oklahoma. We must constantly keep the children who have nothing in mind when we reflect on how awful things are for us.