“Big Mike” is in tears as he calls his father to tell him he made it. He recently qualified for the PGA.
Most of the time, parents sacrifice everything for their children. They put their own goals and dreams at risk so that their children can fulfill theirs.
To the Vasicki family, this also applies. Michael Vasicki has strived to play golf professionally and on the PGA Tour his entire life.

To help him achieve his goals, his family has gone above and beyond. So it was a sight to behold when he finally succeeded.
Michael Visacki, also known as “Big Mike,” towers over the ball. He maintains his composure and breathes slowly as he sinks a putt from 20 feet.
He finishes, and as people gather around to applaud him, he starts crying.

He immediately calls his father to congratulate him on his success but finds it difficult to speak due to his emotions.
He says, “I made it,” overcome with emotion and tears streaming down his cheeks. His father repeatedly says, “Oh my God. “A dedicated son and his incredibly happy father are sharing such a sentimental occasion.