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For “failing to agree to keep quiet,” Brad Pitt sued Angelina Jolie”.

In contrast to Angelina, Brad has accepted full responsibility for everything for which he has been held accountable from the start, and he has no intention of taking any additional responsibility, according to Pitt’s legal counsel”.

A source close to Angelina Jolie claims that her refusal to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is what led to Brad Pitt’s ongoing legal action against their winery.

According to a source on Pitt’s side, their business relationship typically entailed a non-disparagement clause being included in the contract.

Pitt, 59, sued the actress this week after learning that Jolie had sold her share of Château Miraval, a French business with a residence and vineyard in the southern region of France where the two were married in 2014.

Pitt’s most recent amendment to his complaint contests Jolie’s sale of her stake. He asserts that after their divorce, Jolie, 47, “purposefully concealed the sale of her stake in their family wine business to a Russian oligarch,” and that her connection to the purchaser poses an “existential threat to the business”.

The couple purchased “the château as a shared residence for their children and the vineyard as a family business,” according to court documents. Furthermore, “Jolie did not contribute to Miraval’s success despite encouraging Pitt to work for the family’s benefit”.

Pitt’s legal team reportedly emphasized that “the alleged sale disrupts Pitt’s right to enjoy the home he built for his family. ”.

According to a source with knowledge of the situation, Pitt’s decision to sue over the sale was motivated by Jolie’s refusal to sign an NDA, which would have prevented her from speaking about prior allegations of domestic abuse.

A source close to Pitt said that the contract contained a non-disparagement clause, which is entirely typical for deals of this kind. ”.

The insider specifically mentioned Miraval, saying that “Brad requested a mutual NDA and non-disparagement due to concerns over sensitive financial information and brand protection, which is customary in such transactions”.

There was no connection to their divorce or their children”.

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According to Pitt’s attorney Anne Kiley of Elkins Kalt Weintraub Reuben Gartside LLP, “unlike Angelina, Brad has taken full responsibility for everything he is accountable for from day one.”. “We stand by the results,” she continued, “because he attended both of the court hearings she requested in addition to every agency and professional that she requested. ”.

Last year, court documents revealed the earlier charges against Jolie. These accusations were based on an occurrence in 2016 while they were traveling with their six children, which prompted her to file for divorce a few days later.

Mr. Pitt “cannot evade the fact that he assaulted both physically and verbally Ms. Jolie and the kids, even going to the extent of choking one of the children and striking another, no matter how often he modifies his allegations,” the insider claims, despite the fact that Pitt frequently changes his claims”.

According to the insider, Mr. Pitt has never publicly denied these occurrences, even seven years after the tragic plane crash.

Mr. Given that he is fully aware that the kids have not been allowed on the French property for almost seven years due to the reasons Ms. Jolie outlined in her divorce petition, Pitt’s assertion that he is suing his ex-wife to protect his family is perplexing.

The reality, according to an insider, is that Pitt wouldn’t let Jolie complete the Miraval sale without her consent to keep quiet about the abuse. He ordered the withholding of $8.15 billion to intimidate her. According to the insider, “Ms. Jolie didn’t feel the need to discuss what had happened. She’s never actually tried it.

Instead, she has devoted her life to supporting reforms in the country’s shamefully subpar response to domestic abuse and assisting children with their healing. Because Mr. Pitt decided to sue her for breaking their confidentiality agreement, this information is now widely known. ”.

According to a source close to Pitt, “It is incredibly disheartening that she persists in rehashing, moderating, and embellishing her account of an incident that occurred, including the inclusion of completely false information, all to garner more attention for herself at the expense of their family. ”.

The accusations relating to the 2016 plane incident were brought up by Jolie’s legal team in a response submitted as part of the winery case. Law enforcement received permission to use the information Jolie provided, and they ultimately decided not to charge her.

Despite this, she keeps coming back to the same issue on a monthly basis with fresh information that she uses to further her own agenda.

After hearing rumors that Pitt and Jolie got into a fight while intoxicated, the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services launched their own inquiries. The incident happened on a private jet from France to their home in Los Angeles.

One of their children, according to a source at the time, was subjected to “physical” and verbal aggression from Pitt. Pitt vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

After conducting its own investigation and not finding any evidence of abuse, the Department of Child and Family Services came to a similar conclusion.

Jolie responded, “I’m not the kind of person who makes decisions like the ones I had to make lightly,” when The Guardian questioned her about her divorce in a 2021 interview. ”.

It took me a while to realize that I needed to end my relationship with the father of my children”.

Jolie stated at the time that she was “broken” from her experiences and wished for her family to move on, “including their dad”.

There is a lot I can’t say, she continued. ”.