From shepherd to father: Pastor adopts two abandoned orphans and grows his family to three kids.

Every child deserves a family and a home. Many of them are also without one.

When he noticed two dolls perched atop a heap of garbage in the hallway, Pasco Metropolitan Ministry chef Mark Purcell was just about to finish.

He hardly even noticed it. I think I just saw one of the dolls move, he thought. He approached and discovered that it was actually two young brothers instead of dolls.

During a cold snap, the babies were left outside in their diapers. The older of the two brothers was about two years old, and the younger was about six months.

He dialed the friendly preacher right away. The pastor’s wife and his house were very gracious when Mark dropped the kids off.

The parents of the two boys had been seen by the pastor and his wife out and about. The homeless couple threatened to have the social worker place the infants in a foster home if they weren’t adopted when they first met.

The pastor and his wife, who are already parents to three children, fervently adopted the kids and are now providing them with a safe and devoted home.