“Miracle Against the Odds: Young Mom Defies Doctors’ Prediction of Infertility, Welcomes a Miracle Child”

Sheree Psaila has defied expectations set by those around her throughout her entire life. She was born with arthrogryposis multiplex congenital (AMC), an incredibly rare condition that causes no muscle tissue in the arms or legs.

As you might imagine, her life has been a struggle, and at first, not even her doctors believed in her. They informed Sheree’s parents that she wouldn’t likely make it to her first birthday.

After 20 unsuccessful surgeries, Sheree’s doctors concluded that she would probably need to use a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Sheree, however, was not going to let another person decide what would transpire with her.

At the young age of five, she had already made up her mind that she would not allow bullies to prevent her from living life to the fullest. While a student, Sheree met Chris, the man she would later marry. Additionally, he suffers from a hereditary condition that affects his lower spine.

After getting married in March 2015, Sheree and Chris were eager to try having a family. Sheree unfortunately lost the baby the first time around. However, the couple gave it another go after processing their intense grief.

The doctors informed me that I most likely wouldn’t be able to have children, but they didn’t provide me with a reason why not, Sheree said in an interview with the Daily Mail. Sheree is just barely four feet (122 cm) tall, so her doctors thought it would take a miracle for her to be able to carry and deliver a baby. Every doubter would soon be made to regret their statements, as usual.

After moving to Melbourne with Chris, Sheree had a son by c-section.

Baby Hayden’s weight of 5 1/2 pounds (2 point 5 kilograms) is remarkable given the circumstances. He also doesn’t have any genetic illnesses or physical restrictions, despite Chris and Sheree’s concerns. Hayden is a miracle, according to everyone, and Sheree deserves nothing less after her arduous journey. Sheree and Chris do have more challenges than most parents, but they have shown that love can overcome anything by working together.

Due to her lack of muscle, Sheree finds it difficult to lift Hayden. Thankfully, she has a caregiver who visits to assist her five days a week. Chris, however, is the one with the most duties. When we go swimming, Sheree says, “I want to be able to hold him in the pool and do everything Chris does with him. Despite the daily challenges, Sheree enjoys being a mom to her happy, healthy boy.

Despite having disabilities her entire life, Sheree continues to attend classes and work toward her goals.

Reading stories like this one has made me believe that mothers are the strongest people on the planet. Share in honor of all mothers everywhere!