Tears of joy flow! Learning she’ll be living with her grandson, the grandmother’s emotions overflow. A heartwarming moment to cherish.

While building his new house, Matthew Stewart has kept his grandma in mind, but she is not aware of this. So when they take a drive, she will be in for a big surprise.

In an Instagram video that has amassed a large following and received over 100k views and 25k likes, Matthew and grandma Bobbe, as he likes to call her, are seen approaching a construction site.

They are sitting in the car in front of a house when Matthew casually says, “Your sitting room is going to be upfront right there” and “her bedroom is going to be in the back.”.

Grandma Bobbe is unable to speak and simply gestures toward the house while requesting that it take place right away. In spite of her overwhelming state, she merely says that she is thrilled that someone wants her.

In a humorous exchange between his grandmother and grandson, Matthew replies, “Of course, we want you… I guess. The grandmother simply chuckles and says that she has packed and is ready to move into their new home. The grandmother is well-known online.

On the “GB and ME” Instagram page, there are numerous videos of the grandmother and the two of them being rude to one another. In yet another heartwarming video, Mathew simply declares his love for her.

She tells her grandson that because she is so moved by his love, she could not possibly love him more and that he is like her own son. As they both start to get teary-eyed toward the end of the video, they declare their love for one another once more. In all honesty, nothing can brighten your day more than the love of a grandmother.